I feel like such a gross, dirty girl because I'll be getting a root canal tomorrow. Before this, I thought only hobos got tooth aches... and then I got one.
So my dentist is sending me to a periodontist. Has anyone ever had one? Was it similar or worse than having a cavity filled?
Teeth are such a pain... if only veneers weren't so comically expensive I'd have my entire mouth done.
I had one last year...my one and only filling had really deteriorated and the Dentist told me I had to have it done. I also had to go to a specialist because the root was pretty big and curved.
Anyway...I didn't think the process itself was too bad ...I didn't experience any pain...the thing they put in your mouth to hold it open was kind of uncomfortable. I never had to take any of the prescribed painkillers. I did end up with an infection, my face puffed up a few days later...after a dose of antibiotics I was fine. Even with the infection, I didn't think it was as bad as I was expecting. Good luck!
i'm sorry to laugh at your misfortune, but you're cracking me up! you are certainly not a hobo!
i've never had a root canal, but my mom had to have several in her early 30's and she wasn't dirty either, and she has always flossed obsessively (like 3 times a day), so it was just kind of a bad luck/bad genes kind of thing for her. so don't feel bad. and good luck! i hope you don't have a lot of pain! get yourself a pile of mags and take care of yourself tomorrow!
I had to have a root canal last year (no, I'm not a dirty hobo I had a filling that wasn't filled correctly) and it wasn't half as bad as I was expecting. I had always heard that they hurt so bad, but mine didn't hurt at all. It was ucomfortable, yes, but not painful. I didn't see a specialist; my regular dentist did it. I remember that it took a long time.
I got an infection afterwards, like sweater girl. I got a big blister-like bump on my gum below the tooth that got the root canal. It was fine after the antibiotics, but that was the most painful part of the whole root canal experience. You'll be fine!
My teeth are horrible... I'm with you on the veneers thing