thanks ladies for all the nice compliments! she is definitely a cutie (i am biased, though).
i am feeling ok. more tired than anything. breastfeeding has not been fun. the lactaction consultant who told me breastfeeding should be an "enjoyable" experience was seriously on something.
i will feel much better when she has a regular sleeping/eating/etc pattern established.
on a granolafied note, cloth diapering is going well! (actually, i am not granola...just exceedingly cheap)
breastfeeding has not been fun. the lactaction consultant who told me breastfeeding should be an "enjoyable" experience was seriously on something.
BUNK! It hurts for most women, even if you're doing it 'right', for the first 4-6 weeks. Hang in there, and I hope little Lilah gives you some gooooood naps so you can get some rest!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
breastfeeding has not been fun. the lactaction consultant who told me breastfeeding should be an "enjoyable" experience was seriously on something.
just saw this--my friend whose baby is now 7 mos had a brutal time breastfeeding in the beginning. something about the baby latching on in a way that really hurt but my friend didn't want to move the baby for fear that the baby would latch on in an even more painful way. anyway she had to have a lactation specialist come to her house a bunch to get it all straightened out but now it really is an enjoyable experience. do you have any specific questions you want me to ask my friend? or do you want the number to her lactation specialist maybe? anyway, good luck and know that you aren't alone, my friend was in a lot of pain in the beginning!
esquiress: i am actually making an appt to see a lactation consultant today. i've had such a problem between her biting (ok, she doesn't have teeth but it sure feels like it) and actually getting her to latch on. i've been giving her formula and breast milk (i am pumping now - because she cries when trying to latch on and then just won't). i am sure it will get better, but i guess because i am so new everything is just frustrating to me. plus everyone acts like i am satan once i mention formula.
plus everyone acts like i am satan once i mention formula.
Well, I bet if it was them that had to deal with what you're dealing with, they'd change their minds right quick! The important thing is that you do what you need to do to feed your baby, whether that's formula or breastfeeding. Whatever works, works!
A Fist Of Death in the general direction of critical people!
Do you have anyone around that could help out a couple hours a day? Either to cook or clean or just be on baby duty so you can rest?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
omg - she is so precious! congratulations! so happy to hear that mom and beautiful baby and healthy and doing well. :)
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
I may be satan too then because I have always said I will use formula instead of breast feeding. I have only heard horror stories about how painful it is. Not that I want kids (at least not anytime soon), but if I have them I think I will use formula.
Good luck!!!
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."