this episode was pretty disappointing, i thought. almost boring. although i was glad to finally get some back story on rose and bernard. i think it's sweet how in love with her he is.
when michael ran out of the woods, i totally expected it to be desmond. actually, i kind of forgot about michael. i guess that's what happens when they don't show new episodes for ten years and then start with new ones again.
henry is totally creepy. i hate how locke lets henry know that he's gotten to him.
i felt bad for sawyer at the end when everyone's all coupled and happy (though sun didn't look to happy - i hope they focus on her pregnancy some more next week) and sawyer was all alone, then the dog walked over...
overall, this episode left me feeling pretty blah.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
It wasn't the most exciting of episodes, but I really liked getting more on Rose and Bernard. And they just threw in a little bit more of that "island has magical healing powers" thing, with a quasi-explanation from the Australian healer Rose saw. Since he said some places have a magnetic energy and that's what causes the healing (right?) I assume that means the Hatch, because of the season premiere where Jack first went in there and there was a big magnetic pull. Remember?
i guess that's what happens when they don't show new episodes for ten years and then start with new ones again.
Exactly. I lost track of what was going on and missed quite a bit because of this. I did catch last night and I agree Henry is creepy. I really like Rose and enjoyed their back story last night. It seems like were trying to show that most of the people on the island don't really have a reason/want to go back to their regular lives. It might have just been me reading that into it. I am anxious to see what happens next week since Michael is back.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
when michael ran out of the woods, i totally expected it to be desmond. actually, i kind of forgot about michael. i guess that's what happens when they don't show new episodes for ten years and then start with new ones again.
I had forgotten about Michael too! I had to rack my brain trying to remember when he even left the beach and how he could have ended up with the others.
It wasn't the best of episodes, not nearly exciting as it should have been. I did like the Rose/Bernard back story but everything else that happened was blah.
I'm sick of the Henry storyline! And the butch Anna Lucia gets on my nerves always carrying the gun and acting all tough.