Sean Preston Spears falls on his head So turns out the Department of Children and Family Services visited Britney Spears because Sean Preston fell from his high chair and smashed his head on the ground. Britney took him to a doctor six days later after noticing how groggy and tearful he had become, only to discover he had fractured his skull. The medical officials filed a complaint to the Los Angeles child welfare department and the couple were questioned by investigators who were escorted by police. According to the official complaint seen by the Mirror Sean fell from his high-chair, banging his head hard on the floor, while eating at the family home on April 1. Sean's nanny is believed to have been in the room. It is unclear where Britney and Kevin were. Somebody needs to step in and just save the kid now, before we read in next month's paper that Sean Preston was accidentally killed when Britney and Kevin used him as a substitute football.
a radio station here ran this story today.... although there were some different details in theirs vs. this one.
one being that they did take him to the hospital after the fall initially happened and the drs. said he was fine. then 6 days later they noticed him not sleeping well and took him back and found that he had fractured his skull.
the radio station said "well, thats what happens when you have hillbilly white trash parents"
this just disgusts me. he should have been taken away after the last incident of her driving with him in her lap. and i am sorry, but when you have you child in a high chair, they have a seat belt in them for a reason. and even if he escaped the seat belt, why wasn't anybody paying attention to him. i doubt he is all that quick at staning or escaping yet since he is not even a year old. maybe now they will take him away so that crap like this does not happen to him again. or they can leave him with them and when he actually is dead, they can explain how they didn't see that taking him was necessary(sp?).
I agree!! He should have been belted in and being watched very closely if he was not!!! It just seems like pure neglect. I mean who isn't watching long enough to let a less the one year old baby squirm his way out of his highchair, and not even belt him in in the first place????? It makes me really sad.