So today I see a missed call on my cell phone. I was all hoping it wasn't something important so I found out where the area code was located. Omaha Nebraska. So I figured it was Omaha Steaks and they were calling for a follow up to see if I liked everything and thank me for ordering from them.
So I get a call this evening, it was them again. They only called to sell me stuff! The lady was going on and on about there specials on Filet Mingon dinners at prices I would never see again! One was like $125, the other was over $200 and she didn't ask me if I was interested, she was TELLING me which one I wanted to order! So I say I'm not interested, I don't even like steak. Then she says, "that's understandable, we have a nice selection of seafood dinners..." I cut in as politely as I can and tell her I'm on my cell and don't want to waste any more minutes as I was not interested. "Oh, I can arrange for another time to call..." She just didn't want to hear that she wasn't going to make a sale!
So anyways, how rude of them to solicite to customers who place orders online! Now I have to figure out how to remove myself from their list, which hopefully they have not sold my information.
uggh that's sooo annoying. I try to be polite to those people since they are just doing their job but sometimes I end up just hanging up on them. That would have to be even worse if they were using up your minutes. I hope you can catch it before they call too many times.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
i ordered from them once too and they also called on my cell phone.
i immediately politely interrupted their speech and informed them that they had my cell number and that i would like for them to pull me off their phone solicitation list. they apologized and i haven't been bothered since.