I love blow out! Jonathan is like the perfect reality tv star with his temper tantrums, and his crying soft-side. He is also very driven which is somehow inspiring and you can't beat the hair dresser drama!
I watched a few episodes last year, but I just can't watch it anymore. I can't STAND Jonathan Antin. He is so full of himself and I just feel like he's acting most of the time. He irritates the crap out of me.
i can't stand johnathan, but can't stop watching either. and the crying is getting seriously comical.
does anyone else find it to be really staged? i feel like all the scenes are set up and partially scripted -- like last week when kiara and a couple of the other stylists were sitting around and they did a little q & a about what johnathan might be up to at new york fashion week.
RyanJ wrote: e_doli wrote: i can't stand johnathan, but can't stop watching either. and the crying is getting seriously comical.
That is how I feel. I hate him him, but love to watch him. Bangin' hair. Good lord. Who says that? Seriously.
Oh My God! I laughed my ass off when he was in the car and looked at himself in the rearview mirror. He said "I can't remember a time when my hair was this banging!" Or something like that. IIRC, it was in the middle of a deep conversation about therapy.