Does anyone know what causes those little bumps on the back of one's arms? I think I've always had them, but now that the weather's warmer and I'm wearing short sleeves/tank tops, I'm noticing them more. This is gross, but if I squeeze some of them, some stuff comes out like a little pimple. Some of them don't do that though. I know I definitely need to stop picking at them so I don't end up with scars.
Anyone know what I can do to get rid of it? Can I use my acne products that I use on my face? Or should I exfoliate? Are there other products I should use?
I'm pretty sure it's called KP (kerotosis p...something, I don't remember). I used to have it when I was younger but it sort of went away. I still have a few small bumps but they aren't noticable really at all but I can still feel them. I used to use this lotion with lactic acid (I think) and that helped it to treat it temporarily before it went away (probably on it's own though). I hope that made sense.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
I think theotherjess is correct. Gently exfoliate the area with body scrub or a shower pouf daily, and then use an exfoliating moisturizer afterwards - I like Jergens Skin Smoothing. It should really reduce the bumpies, if it doesn't get rid of them completely.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
my bf has it. it's keratosis pilarsis. Jergens Skin Smoothing Lotion is supposed to help for a cheaper alternative, and there's stronger lotions called Am Lactin and Lac Hydrin that are more expensive. also, it seems to get aggrivated with strong water, so see if that's the case.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I hate those little bastards!! I used to have them too. I actually didn't realize they were gone until just now when I looked. I use a nylon shower poof every day in the shower, so maybe that helps?
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
I have them too. I went to the dermo about it last summer b/c in the summer i also get a form of them on my face b/c of the heat, which brings it out. It is nothing that can truly go away, just something that you can reduce.