AHHHHHH! This show is so amazing. What the hell was up with the doors going down?
I *knew* he was an other! I wonder if the real Henry Gale has any sort of connection to the island. That guy is such a freak, although I do think there's more to the story. Why help Locke and not escape?
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
Yeah, great episode! Just to be extra geeky, I tried pausing my DVR to look at the Henry Gale driver's license, but didn't recognize his picture from anything else or see any telling information. Maybe the faux Henry had some plan in mind to get Locke to be kind of his mole.
So they found *another* balloon on the way to the Hatch too, with what looked like supplies on some kind of wooden pallet. Wonder what that means?
My crappy DVR cut off the preview for next week -- anyone catch it? Also, it scrambled part of the scene where Locke gives his dad the money. I saw that he said "I didn't do it for the money." Did he give a reason, and did the dad have any kind of response?
My crappy DVR cut off the preview for next week -- anyone catch it? Also, it scrambled part of the scene where Locke gives his dad the money. I saw that he said "I didn't do it for the money." Did he give a reason, and did the dad have any kind of response?
first of all, that was the best episode in a long time, and maybe the whole season. All I remember from that scene was Locke saying he didn't do it for the money, and then the dad said he was leaving and mentioned that if Locke didn't take it, the maid would get a great tip. I don't think Locke explained it, so we assume he did it b/c he still loves his dad (?) Then Helen showed up. And I didn't really get her extreme reaction -- I mean, sure he lied, but it's also an emotional issue that he wanted to deal with on his own. I'd be mad, but not breakup mad. But I guess the point is that his dad deprived him of something else that's valuable.
Next week: Sayid screaming, a gun going off, people fighting over the dropped supplies. Hurley thinks he sees a man running in the jungle, but no one else sees him (sound familiar?). We see him acting all confused on a cliff with Libby (hmmmm) and then he teeters backward and screams.
My thoughts about this week:
-I think Henry stayed because he was hoping the balloon/grave would be enough to prove his innocence and he'd still be able to infiltrate.
-Sayid is a badass. Who else would dig up a dead body?
-Those thug guys are probably the reason Locke ends up in a wheelchair, maybe?
-Jack was all "alpha male" this episode. I guess there's more to his backstory.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
this was a great episode, though i only caught parts of the first 20 minutes or so, a friend that i hadn't talked to in a while called and i felt bad saying "sorry, lost is on, can i call you back?"
i KNEW sayid would dig up the grave, because that's what i would have done. you're there, why not make sure he's telling the truth (especially when you know he's not).
i agree with halleybird, helen overreacted. to not even let him explain...poor locke. and i bet those thugs did put him in the wheelchair.
do you think now that they know henry's an other locke will stand by his word to protect him "no matter what"? i hope not, but knowing locke, he will.
i hope nothing bad happens to hurley next week! although it seems like he may be getting the sickness, at the very least.
sawyer > jack, no matter what happens at cards. jack is such an ass, i can't stand him.
oh! and the food they found in the woods - looks to me like dharma folks are still dropping supplies for the people in the hatch. but - how the heck did they drop stuff without anyone hearing a plane or anything?
what do you think the map on the door was? the one locke saw when the blacklight came on...i'm sure it was the island, but what was it tracking?
i love this show. especially new episodes.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
asf wrote: do you think now that they know henry's an other locke will stand by his word to protect him "no matter what"? i hope not, but knowing locke, he will.
When they were making the deal I was SCREAMING at the tv- "unless you are an other" - HELLO! I don't have time right now to get into this but I'll be back. Great episode! Is it new again next week?
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Poor Locke -- always trusting the wrong guy. This Other is going to get him screwed.
So I just read the show commentary at Entertainment Weekly's site and apparently Sayid's long-lost love Nadia is the woman Locke was inspecting the home for! Read below:
Locke Down
On ''Lost,'' when the Hatch seals itself off, the Man of Faith sees a map of the Dharma installations; plus, the mystery of Henry Gale advances by Scott Brown
DISENGAGED In a flashback, Locke reconnected with his father but lost Katey Sagal Let me begin by repeating an observation my friend Liz made during the first moments of this episode: ''Making a map to your downed balloon? Well, 'balloon in tree' is a lot more helpful than 'go around mountain.' '' Also, don't pillory me for pointing out that this line — poignant context aside — is hilarious: ''He pretended to love me just long enough to steal my kidney!''
Now on to what proved a rather gripping installment of Lost. The quick and dirty: Locke and Henry Gale are caught in the Hatch lounge when some sort of lockdown goes into effect and blast doors fall, walling them off from the rest of the compound — and the button. The timer counts down. Locke's legs are trapped beneath a blast door, so reluctantly, he explains the button to Henry. Henry appears to prove trustworthy and wriggles through the vents, ostensibly to push the button. The timer counts down — to zero, by the sound of it. The lights flicker out, black-light backups come on, and Locke sees what appears to be a map of the island and its various Dharma stations scrawled in invisible ink on the blast door. Jack's not around to witness all this because he's too busy playing Texas hold 'em with Sawyer, in a gambit to win back the meds that Sawyer stole and to generally emasculate him. (Both objectives are accomplished.) Meanwhile, Ana Lucia, Sayid, and Charlie find Henry's balloon, along with what appears to be the grave of his wife. But all is not as it appears, of course, and — here's the climactic reveal — the body in the grave is a man's, not a woman's. The man has a driver's license. The driver's license belongs to one Henry Gale, an African American from Minnesota who looks not a thing like our Henry. The jig is up.
The TiVo moment was, of course, the map. Someone was behind those blast doors long enough to plot out the whole Dharma development scheme — someone who didn't want anyone from the outside knowing what he'd figured out. (Why else draw it on a blast door in ink visible only beneath a black light?) The map is arranged in an octagon (of course), with six stations arranged within — some are drawn with dotted lines, suggesting they're...defunct? Off limits? Infected? Who knows? What appear to be rivers and landforms are superimposed over the diagram. There's a large ''I AM HERE'' scrawled next to the Swan, the Losties' home hatch. The Caduceus, the medical Hatch where Claire was held, is also clearly visible. An odd box marked ''CVI'' (or something similar) is also visible. Smaller, less legible notes are scrawled everywhere. Oh yes: In the center there's a giant question mark. As is only appropriate. The map seemed to sear itself on Locke's brain — we saw it reflected in his eye for big, fat, meaningful seconds. I sense a shift in Locke: Will the static mystery of the button cede its place to the mystery of the map?
Speaking of mysteries: What of the lockdown? There's rampant speculation that it's yet another Dharma mind game, intended to keep Hatchlings from seeing things they shouldn't. Like, for instance, where the food comes from. Shortly after the lockdown, Kate and Jack run across what appears to be a food drop: a shipment of Dharma-labeled foodstuffs dropped by parachute from the wild blue yonder, in a manner that very much suggests the reward cheese dropped into a psychologist's rat maze. (See, Hurley? There was no reason to hoard ranch dressing after all. Just fulfill the terms of the experiment and more will be provided.) Clearly, the parachute wasn't there before: It's got a strobe light on it, easily identifying it as either a package for pickup or a very small disco. Either way, it wants to be found. But the question is, who takes the food to the Hatch? And how often? And whence does this bounty fall? Is there a plane? And if so, how high would it have to be flying to escape the Losties attention? Sure, they've got their private dramas and flashbacks to contend with, but even someone as self-absorbed as Sawyer would notice a friggin' plane flying overhead.
As for flashbacks, this ep's belonged to our friend Locke, whose fears of abandonment once again reared their bald little heads. We found out that he was a home inspector in the 714 (that's Orange County, Calif.) and that one of the homes he inspected belonged to Sayid's long-lost love, Nadia, the freedom fighter he secretly freed from the clutches of Saddam's regime, who was presumably in a witness-protection-like setup. We also found out how he lost Helen (Katey Sagal): Dear old Pops pulled another scam, faked his death, and walked off with a truckload of cash, thanks to his one-kidneyed son's efforts. Locke found himself deceiving Helen to aid the con — not for the money but for the father-son bond — and the revelation of his lie ripped them apart once and for all. All this after he'd gone and bought the ring! Stupid Locke's dad. Anthony, he said his name was. But that's probably one of many names. Hmmm...career con artist, always on the run, man of many names...might one of those names be...Sawyer?
But there are more urgent matters afoot. The Losties now have a real, live Other in custody. One who may or may not have triggered the whole blast-door incident for the sole purpose of showing Locke that map. The crew either just gained an amazing asset or just took in a mind-gaming mole. The good news is, he probably knows where to get more of those tasty Dharma-brand Lost Krispies.
After re-watching last night's eppy and discussing with some co-workers, I've got even more questions about what happened:
1) Is John's dad the real Sawyer? The man who slept with "Sawyer's" mom and stole all his parents money?
2) Was Helen part of John's dad's long con?
3) Does the Hatch lock down so that the Hatch inhabitants can go pick up supplies from drop site, knowing that their Hatch is protected while they're gone? Or does the Hatch lock down so that the inhabitants can't go outside to find out who drops the supplies?
On a side note, I loved the authenticity of the drivers license!! I'm from MN and those are really what they look like - except they started issuing new ones that have a different design about two years ago, so Henry Gale may have been killed a while ago. The real Henry Gale lived at 815 Walnut Ridge Road in Wayzata, Minnesota. So the numbers re-appear! And Wayzata is a real town in MN - not sure there is any clue here. The only connection is that one of the Lost writers is from Wayzata!!
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a misinformed beholder a black eye."
Miss Piggy
Remember when Locke opened Henry's cell door and said "who are you?" Henry merely answered that he was Henry Gale, same old line and that was enough for Locke. Weak!
I am really tired of the Sawyer/Jack conflict, anyone else?
AND...Okay, it's about time to reconnect with Desmond, where the heck is he?
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld