so for the past 2 weeks or so I've had a rash, I guess. Its on my legs and torso and it really itchy, looks kind of splotchy and dry. Almost like little patches of dry, flasky skin or a weird sunburn rash or something. I was thinking it was from allergies, but I'm not so sure anymore. It's annoying but not so bad that I think I need to see a doctor- its more ugly and obnoxious than anything I'm concerned about you know? I've been usisng lots of moisturizer which seems to be helping a little, but is there anything else I should be doing?
eta, it almost looks like the later stages of poison ivy or somethng, when it's all dried out but still there and splotchy. but I know that it's not anything like that, because I am deathly allergic to poison ivy and would have been in the hospital by now if that was what it was.
OMG - I have the exact same thing & was about to post about this - I even considered taking a picture of my leg - it's so ugly! I have been putting calamine (sp?) lotion on it but I'm not sure if that is helping - if it's from dry skin is drying it out going to work? It itches like crazy but 3 or 4 different people have said it looks like it's just from being dry. Needless to say, I'm anxious to see what everyone else says too.
Sorry I can't be of more help but I can commiserate!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
isn't exema usually in one area though/ I've had it before and its just been like 1 patch- this is all over me!
Nope. I had a friend in school who had really bad exema. It was allllll over her body. Her face, her arms, her chest, her legs, etc. She couldn't wear makeup or anything. It was horrible for her. So yeah, it can be everywhere at once. I don't know if that's what you guys have but just so ya know...
Eczema can be allover - usually smaller breakouts are more localized, but if it worsens it can really spread and cold/dry weather usually makes it worse. I know diet can affect Eczema alot - have you been eating alot of sugar lately?
For now, I'd alternate with a hydrocortisone cream and a super gentle moisturizer (like cetaphil or eucerin).
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Definitely sounds like eczema to me I used to have the same symptoms, and they seemed to occur at random intervals, so I wasn't sure if it was because of food or other allergies, or because I live in a state that experiences some extreme weather.
In any case, I finally went to the doctor and they gave me a cream called Elidel that solved the problem. I think the cream is a mild steroid, so it's not something to use daily, but I found that after a couple days of applying once in the morning, my eczema cleared right up. The derm also switched me to a Cetaphil cleanser and moisturizer (I had been using Neutrogena), which also helpd. That was over a year ago, and I've only had a couple flair ups since. I'd definitely recommend seeing a dermatologist!
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a misinformed beholder a black eye."
Miss Piggy
Before you go to the doctor make sure you try the colloidal (sp?) oatmeal stuff too! It got five star ratings at for what it does to for dry skin and eczema.