any tips on how to remove false eyelashes? i put a bunch of induvidual ones on over the weekend and they're still going strong. they are starting to get bent around a stick in weird directions, so i think i'm ready to take them off before i look like too much of a freak.
i've read baby oil or an oil based makeup remover will disolve the glue ...
maybe i went a little crazy with the glue ... they've been on for 4 days and are still going strong. i would end up pulling out all my real lashes if i plucked them off (also, i guess maybe i shouldn't have glued them so close to my real lashes -- maybe just stuck them to my lid?)
e_doli wrote: maybe i went a little crazy with the glue ... they've been on for 4 days and are still going strong. i would end up pulling out all my real lashes if i plucked them off (also, i guess maybe i shouldn't have glued them so close to my real lashes -- maybe just stuck them to my lid?)
Mine do this too - fwiw it would look really funny if you glued them on your eyelid, and they fall off that way too (I've done it accidentally - I'm not particularly coordinated). You kind of do have to just get them in there with your real lashes. BUT, the trick is to dab the fake lash on something slick (I use the box they came in) to get rid of the extra glue before you put it on your eye lid. (If you dab it on your hand, that takes off too much glue and they fall off that night) Then they should come off with soap and water the next day, or at least within a couple days.
The strips are easier to get off than the individual lashes. I usually put a dab of glue on a paper plate or something, dab the eyelash in it, dab the eyelash somewhere to take off the extra glue, and then wait a couple seconds for the glue to get tacky before I apply.
I'd think if you just ran a washcloth under hot water and then held it over your eye it would loosen them up enough to take off without taking all your real lashes with them.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}