Was the person really overweight? Sometimes, that would be a slow jog for a bigger person. *Ashamed to add that I've been known to run at 4.5 mph many a time* Only once have I gotten up to 6.0 and I felt like I was sprinting lol.
There's nothing wrong with going at a 3.0, but why run? It's akward and not needed. I've seen lots of people do this and tonight it was a petite, slim lady, she was in no way overweight.
Mara wrote: Cortney1982 wrote: I cannot run at all. Nothing wrong with my legs, it just becomes too hard to breathe. you might be like me and have exercise induced asthma. i didnt know till recently but this is how i am.
This happens to me too and I have always attributed it to being super out of shape. It gets so bad that I feel like I'm gasping for air and my chest burns. On the rare occasion that I do "run" it's usually at a super slow pace. There's probably no difference whether I walk or run compared to the amount of calories burned, for me it's a personal thing, I feel like I accomplish more that way. I can convince myself it's a run when it really isn't
OMG-there is this girl who cracks open a can of pop in the middle of my kickboxing class. Okay, I can't say for sure that it is pop, it may be some kind of energy drink, but it's in a can and it pops when she opens it. She then chugs it. Uh...I'd feel sick if I did that! Ever heard of water? She also wears black tapered jeans to my class which is a whole issue in itself.
Thought of some others...most of the people at my gym are pretty good about things but there's always a couple of oversights...
People banging the weights. I think my eardrums will shatter if I have to lift weights at the same time as 85962356092 bodybuilding, steroid crushing menfolk.
Also, I guess I look like a little girl at the gym because icky guys are always trying to give me tutorials when I don't want any. Do I really have "STUPID" stamped across my forehead.
Jen- I think I understand what you are saying. Running is hard on your knees and at that speed its actually better to do a quick walk. A slow run like is harder on your body- and LOUD!
My personal gym pet peeves-
Guys making noises or grunting!
People talking to me. Its a personal thing- but I can't stand when people talk to me at the gym. Its where I stress relieve- I don't want to talk!
Talking on cell phones at the gym- not just the "hi! where are you? bye!" quick convo, but full out conversations! Distracting and I really don't care what he said on the phone last night- OK!
Ok I have two serious pet peeves at the gym. One is women who wear so much perfume and them when they sweat all I can inhale is their scent. Drives me bonkers. second and this one is worse and actually my DH is known for this one. Farting on treadmills. I swear I alwasy get next to the guy who wants to stink up the place and I have to smell it while running. Seriously if you think you're gonne s*#t your pants then go to the restroom and not the treadmill next to me!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw