I don't even clearly remember what happened the last time we saw a new one. My tivo deleated it. I don't chime in on the Lost posts cause I am rarely on in a timely manner, but I watch and am hooked.
I am getting really sick of the repeats and one new episode a month, if that. At least play this season on repeats and play them in order.
These reruns are pissing me off. This show is too complicated to make us wait that long between episodes. I know they do it for sweeps/advertising purposes, but it's pissing off the most important people- the fans.
I know!! I went to the ABC website to check and I was so pissed. It's freakin ridiculous how many reruns they have shown between the new episodes. It's like one new episode PER month at the rate they're going.
This really pisses me off too. I just signed back up for the unlimited Blockbuster movies because even though I am paying out of the ass for cable nothing is on right now. Pisses me off. I'm about to stop watching all together.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad