When I was taking the pill, I'd try and take it right before going to sleep. I say try because I was in college for most of the duration I was on the pill and my sleeping schedule would vary wildly and I'd often forget to take the pill and have to double or triple the dosage to make up for missed days...which I eventually stopped doing because it made me so nautious Setting a cell phone alarm sounds like a better idea to me.
I put mine in the area where I keep my allergy medicine (also take daily), my deoderant, and my spf morning moisturizer stuff. Those are the four things I have to do daily, no matter what time I wake up or leave the house or whatever. I know I'll always go to that area. Every morning, brush my teeth, take my pill, take my allergy medicine, put on deoderant, put on moisturizer. That's it. That's what I do in the morning for the first five minutes (after shower), regardless of anything else.
I'd just suggest putting it with something else you use everyday so you see it. If I put mine elsewhere and just depended on me remembering to take it, I never would.
i also do the drawer with my toothpaste trick and for the first time ever I'm never doubling up because I missed days. I'm actually surprised because even when I'm so drunk I can't stand I remember to take it because its right next to the sink when I'm washing my face.
I leave the pack on the vanity in my bathroom and take them when I go to bed at night. I go to bed about the same time at night every day during the week, give or take an hour. What's hard is remembering on weekends, if I stay up later. I've been on the pill since I was 19, so 8 years of pill popping. Hopefully, at some point down the line either I'll get my tubes tied or Hubby will get a vas and I won't have to worry about it.