In an article in the most recent issue of Allure they mentioned a book called The Skin Type Solution by Leslie Baumann, M.D. I though it sounded interesting so I ordered it. I received it last night and was pleasantly surprised. The book is actually pretty informative and recommends products and dietary supplements based on your skin type. There's also a skin type questionnaire so you can determine what type of skin you have. I read a lot about health and skin care and this book went over quite a few things I'd never really heard about and also clarified some questions I had about different types of chemicals that are used in skin care products. If anyone is interested in this kind of thing I think you'll enjoy the book.
Thanks for the rec- is this doc one of the Proactiv docs?
I wasn't sure so I just checked and no, she's not one of the Proactiv docs. I didn't think so because Proactiv isn't really mentioned in the book but I double checked just to make sure.