I don't currently own any shoes that show toe cleavage, but I'm considering a pair. I just wonder what the general concensus is on the topic. I'm not really sure how I feel about it.
OMG I have totally been wondering the same thing. I really love this pair of shoes, but they give me toe cleavage and I don't know if I should get them. I do own a gorgeous pair of slingbacks that have very minor toe cleavage, so it doesn't bother me as much. I still haven't made up my mind, but I am leaning towards a who cares and getting the shoes anyways.
i honestly don't even notice peoples toe cracks. it's not even the last thing i worry about. that wouldn't even be on my list of worries. so i didn't vote.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
I have to agree with tara t. I could care less about toe cleavage and really don't even notice it. I have shoes that show it, and shoes that don't. It doesn't matter to me whatsoever.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I voted "Eww, no" because I personally think that it makes the shoe look like it doesn't fit well, and therefore not that attractive. It's not a "written in stone" rule for me, but I just don't like the look.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
I like toe cleavage. In fact, I would go so far as saying that it can look sexy. Even my husband agrees. If you clean shaven, well-moisturized legs/feet, sporting a little bit of a tan, it looks very pretty.
I have to agree with tara t. I could care less about toe cleavage and really don't even notice it. I have shoes that show it, and shoes that don't. It doesn't matter to me whatsoever.
Sounds good, it doesn't really bother me that much.
atlgirl wrote:
I have to agree with tara t. I could care less about toe cleavage and really don't even notice it. I have shoes that show it, and shoes that don't. It doesn't matter to me whatsoever.
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I agree with the other girls. I don't notice it if someone does have (or really if I do for that matter) so it doesn't bother me. I notice whether or not the shoe is cute!
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Toe cleavege......I assume we're talking about peep toe shoes? Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm a bit new here, as you can tell.......
I personally love peep toes as they were originally popular in the 1940's and have enjoyed various comebacks over the decades but never to the extent that we're now seeing them this spring/summer. With a pencil or knee length skirt and a feminie blouse, I think they look stunning.
"To share often and much...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Actually, I think most of the girls here love peeptoes, so that's not an issue. *s*
Toe cleavage actually refers to the throat of the shoe and how far up the foot it comes. If the throat is low, toe cleavage occurs. Here's an example pic:
You can see where to toe indents are shown. That's what this poll is referring to. HTH
-- Edited by atlgirl at 08:47, 2006-03-10
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I've never had a problem with it and never knew anyone else did until someone on the Lucky forum mentioned it a long time ago and everyone basically recoiled in horror at the idea of toe cleavage. Who the hell cares? And really if someone's going to scrutinize my clothing choices down to that kind of detail, there are probably many other things that they'll notice aren't right with me before they notice my toe cleavage.
It doesn't bother me. I like it. I know certain guys like it. I'm not anal about fashion so things like this doesn't bother me. it can be pretty.
But! I don't like it when there are a couple of gals who honestly can't sport it... the ones with... fat feet. Yeah, I said it. To be honest, they look like little piggys.
I also didn't vote because the shoes can be cute as hell, but if you have ugly feet, eeww. If you have a pretty moisturized foot with no veins or the like showing, then it's fine with me.
Toe cleavage is actually quite '80s, so I guess it's not too surprising it's coming back. It doesn't work well for me, because I have quite short toes (and thus many peep toes don't work for me, either), and so the proportions just get all off.
It can be ok, but I think it really depends on the person and the shoes. However, I think it's key for the base of multiple toes visible - when you get a shoe/foot combo that only shows the space in between the big toe and the next, it just looks odd.