How are you all doing? Do you find it easier to loose weight at certain times of the year? Im thinking when warm weather comes, and I break out from under these sweaters and jackets- I will find new motivation. That means bathing suit time is just around the corner! The thought of these lumps and bumps seeing the light of day will surely give me that little extra push! Do people noticing your weight loss encourage you, or make you feel uncomfortable? I have felt both ways at certain times- depending on my mood and who notices, I guess. But, overall I do feel good when someone comments on my efforts. Is work a hard one? I am surrounded by thin people who eat terrible, but have metabolisms that must be much better than mine. I have to remind myself daily that I may want to eat like they do, but I will not be able to lose if I do. What do you find that helps, and what does not?
I find it easier to lose weight in the late spring/summer/early fall. We're much more active outdoors during that time, and the abundance of fresh produce makes it much easier to eat well. I also just tend to have less of an appetite for heavy things when the weather is warm.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I always lose better in summer. Outside and more active, plus there are so many more fresh fruit and veggie options! And really, who wants to eat salad when it's snowing? Not me, thats for sure!
definetly for me its the spring months and summer because of all the fresh fruits and veggies. I hate frozen and canned so winter months I just eat carbs and balloon up.
Winter is definately the tiem to gain weight, it's so hard to exercise when it's so cold out, your nose is more likely to run and we're still all recovering from the comfort food holidays. I find, even though I don't do it as often as I should, that DDR helps TREMENDOUSLY. You know, it's that Dance Dance Revolution game for the PS 2 or Xbox. There I am, jumping around like a fool in front of the tv for an hour. But since it's a video game, I don't feel like it's really exercise....except when I start sweating after 10 minutes......but it's fun!!!
Food is always a foe in our modern world. So much of what's available to us is filled with corn syrup, unnatural additives and unnecessary chemicals. The best way to eat healthy is to cook your meals from home. It's not always possible but I try to eat out as little as possible, or if I must, go for sushi!!!
My mom would call them "qulaity fat grams." Not the sushi, I mean, what do you prefer, eating a couple of hot dogs or a deluxe piece of chocolate cake? Choose what you really want, fill up on veggies, fruits & lean meats & only eat the junk that really makes you happy (Little Debbie Zebra Cakes are my downfall......I'll eat those over hot dogs & mac & cheese any day!)
"To share often and know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)