wow, i have always been of the mindset that if you were a celebtriy, paparazzi was part of the package, but i had no idea that they practically make it impossible to walk or move - it would even be hard for her to move her car b/c they're so close around it!
no wonder sienna recently "snapped" i would be screaming at them - having so many people in my face and "all up in my business" would make me feel claustrophobic. i never knew they were so close to the celebrity, i thought they were across the street or something with zoom lenses. at least that's how i imagined it - guess that shows how naive i am.
As much as I think that celebrities that choose to live in LA kind of sign up for this lifestyle, part of me also thinks good heavens!!! I mean, that would be EXHAUSTING to deal with day in and day out. Just the noise of having people around you all the time and ALWAYS needing a security guard or body guard to help you get to your car and having someone yelling to get out of your way would be REALLY annoying after awhile. It must kinda suck. But on the other hand, there are plenty of places to live where the paparrazi aren't really an issue, so I guess you just kinda have to choose what's important and what you'll put up with.
It doesn't matter where you live, the paprazzi follow you everywhere, even if you go on vacation! But who want's to be a shut-in, so celebrities endure it.
I am quite disgusted from that one guy laughing because Lohan was covering her face with her hands in the car.