i wanna say she's pregnant because i want to think that if she wasn't, she'd want to cover up a bit.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I think she's preggers. However, I've never been pregnant either so I really have nothing to base that on. Her stomach just looks like it's sticking out, like it's solid, like something's in there.
I have to hope so - what in the world would possess her to go out like that - either way? I've never been preggers either so I can't speak to how your belly would look after birth - but I'm voting she is.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
It does look like she is preggos again. I don't know though. I really haven't seen her slim down, maybe she just hasn't been trying to lose her baby weight! I really hope she is not preggos again!
i didn't want to believe that she was before, but these photos really do make it look like her belly is protruding in a weird way. kevin federline is like some kind of bionic baby factory. jeez.
kevin federline is like some kind of bionic baby factory. jeez.
i read somewhere that all the gossip mags are reporting that she and k-fed have been telling random people (like some woman at a salon next to her or something) that she's pregnant.
bumblebee wrote: kevin federline is like some kind of bionic baby factory. jeez. ewwwwwww! i read somewhere that all the gossip mags are reporting that she and k-fed have been telling random people (like some woman at a salon next to her or something) that she's pregnant.
I've heard the same thing too. I wonder if she's just messing with the people and messing with the tabloids cuz she knows it'll get back to the tabloids eventually.
As much as it does kinda look like she's pregnant, I kinda have my doubts. Wasn't she sited running around drinking at Mardi Gras? I mean, she's a stupid girl and all, but I don't know that she's stupid enough to drink while pregnant. (I may just be being naive and optimistic though. )
this is a tough call. Some women do gain weight in their bellies in a very pregnant-like way, but I don't think that's Britney's body type naturally. I hate to say it, but I think she's cooking another little kfed.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I think she's got another federbun (hehehe, good one Tarat!) in the oven. Do you guys remeber how she looked a couple weeks after SP was born? She was walking around in a really low-rise peasant skirt and a tiny tank top and her stomach was flat flat flat.
Congrats Briterline! You've just scored yourself a repeat C-section and Irish twins!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
it just depresses the hell out of me that this piece of crap she's married to will have spawned not one, not two, but FOUR CHILDREN he DOESN'T WANT and isn't interested in before he is even 30.