I'm so pissed. Crash was the most overhyped piece of garbage I've ever seen. I cannot believe it won best picture! It was about as nuanced as an elementary school's MLK Day production. Ok, we know racism is bad. If you're going to make a movie about it you have to add something else too. While Capote, with complex and subtle characters and amazing acting was totally robbed. Thank god Phillip Seymour Hoffman won.
I also thought best supporting actress should've been Amy Adams'. If anyone saw that, she was completely amazing. She had this really difficult character and balanced perfectly how hilarious she was with how sadher story was.
I completely disagree with your comment about Crash being "about as nuanced as an elementary school's MLK Day production." The movie was fantastic and very well acted. Sure, some bits were a bit over the top, but sometimes you need to be as subtle as a sledgehammer when talking about the ignorance that is rampant in this and other countries. Because if it not, movies like Crash wouldn't need to exist.
I disagree w/you about Crash being a piece of garbage, I thought it was a fantastic movie w/excellent acting, however, I don't know how I feel about it winning best picture. I would have rather of seen another movie Brokeback Mountain win.
ETA: I actually think Walk the Line was my favorite film of the year, and it got jipped by not being nominated. That's the film I would have chosen to win.
I absolutely loved Crash. I thought it was one of the most moving pictures I had seen in a while. I am really happy to see that it won. (I didn't watch last night).
I haven't seen Crash, but it's on my Netflix queue and should be in the mail to me soon.
This isn't a very popular opinion, but while I really liked Brokeback Mountain, I didn't think it was the best movie of the year. My favorite was Capote (out of the ones I've seen, anyway). I think Brokeback was an important movie, beautifully filmed, and had great acting, but to me it wasn't the best of the year. Just my opinion.
Also, I loved Amy Adams in Junebug and was really hoping she'd win, but Rachel Weisz is a great actress too and made a really classy acceptance speech.
I totally agree with you Shopgirl. I absolutely loved Crash. I thought it was one of the most moving pictures I had seen in a while. I am really happy to see that it won.
I completely agree with this. I loved Crash and was def happy to see it get some positive recognition.
I haven't seen Crash yet, but I heard it was such a good movie. All my professors loved it and everyone else I know. So I'm glad they won. I need to go rent it.
well while I did like Crash, I didn't think it was Oscar winning quality, but I agreed with a nomination. I agree with Maddie that it lacked nuance, for me it was just too over the top. It could have been done with more depth, but the concept and storyline was probably more important than the rest in this picture.....which is why I think it actually won.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
I also thought best supporting actress should've been Amy Adams'. If anyone saw that, she was completely amazing. She had this really difficult character and balanced perfectly how hilarious she was with how sadher story was.
I completely agree. She was awesome in Junebug. She got robbed, big time. I guess most people just didn't see the movie because there is no way in hell someone could watch Rachel Weiss in The Constant Gardner and watch Amy Adams in Junebug and compare the two. One was good, one was amazing. It's that simple and Amy Adams seriously deserved it. Oh well, maybe she'll get some more offers for roles in the future because of it.
As for Crash, I didn't see it, so I can't say. But I was hoping Brokeback Mountain would walk away with the Oscar. I liked it and I thought with all the talk it received this year (negative and postive) and all the risks it took, it should have won. Ah well. What are you going to do? Half of the Academy was in Crash.
the only movie out of the best picture nominees i had seen was crash. i thought it was good, but i can't comment on it being "worthy" or not, because i haven't seen the others.
i want to comment about crash in this respect: i think it is really important for films, etc like this to be made. i think if you talk to the "average" american, they will probably tell you racism "isn't really a problem anymore" or something similarly...and there needs to be constant reminders that it IS a problem, whether you witness it or not. but i guess the "average" american probably didn't see this movie anyhow. (although i think my brother did...so who knows!?)
i am so freaking glad that crash won and not brokeback mountain. i would have been happy with any other the others winning as long as it wasn't brokeback mountain. while i haven't seen this movie so really should just keep my mouth shut, i have no desire to see this movie. none at all. partly because i can't stand stupid overhyped crap (whether it be music, movie, or whatever) and go out of my way to not give in to hype and partly because i feel that this was a love story and i hate love stories, no matter who is involved.
(warning...completely illogical statement coming!) i also have a problem with the movie because it's about two gay men and it seems to me that this movie got so much hype because it was about two gay men. so freaking what? if this same movie was done with a man and a woman it would star meg ryan and tom hanks, and in no way would that be oscar worthy. while the same can be said for crash, it's was about rasicism, so freaking what? i just think that rasicism is way more interesting than gay men and a love affair. in no way is this a homophobic statement, it's actually the complete opposite. i just don't get the big deal about two men having a love affair. it's sorta boring to me, blah blah blah, boy meets boy, blah blah blah, boy can't spend life with boy, blah blah blah, boy meets boy again.
now a story about how racism is horribly insidous and is everywhere, even when you don't think you are being rasict? a story so completely fantastically acted, directed, produced that i can't think straight after seeing the movie? now that deserves to win.
im glad that my future husband phillip seymour hoffman won though, everything i have ever seen in him has been fantastic. hell, he could have won for his role in boogie nights even.
i think reese was completely sincere in her acceptance speech. she is one of the few celebrities that i think are actually real people. to me, reese isn't an actress, she is somebody who's career is acting. she is a real person with a real life and real ideas and a real brain who just happens to have a cool job that makes her millions of dollars.
my absolutely favorite part of the evening though, was meryl streep and lily tomlin's introduction of robert altman. both of those women are amazing and i haven't ever seen a movie of thiers that i haven't loved. even that whitewater rafting debacle of meryl's was good in its own special way. this just makes me even more excited to see prairie home companion when it comes out!
that's just twelve cents.
-- Edited by relrel at 15:39, 2006-03-06
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
(warning...completely illogical statement coming!) i also have a problem with the movie because it's about two gay men and it seems to me that this movie got so much hype because it was about two gay men. so freaking what? if this same movie was done with a man and a woman it would star meg ryan and tom hanks, and in no way would that be oscar worthy. while the same can be said for crash, it's was about rasicism, so freaking what? i just think that rasicism is way more interesting than gay men and a love affair. in no way is this a homophobic statement, it's actually the complete opposite. i just don't get the big deal about two men having a love affair. it's sorta boring to me, blah blah blah, boy meets boy, blah blah blah, boy can't spend life with boy, blah blah blah, boy meets boy again. now a story about how racism is horribly insidous and is everywhere, even when you don't think you are being rasict? a story so completely fantastically acted, directed, produced that i can't think straight after seeing the movie? now that deserves to win.
i totally agree. but i shouldn't comment because the last movie i saw in the movie theater was sideways and that's only cuz i was on vacation. i'm not a movie person at all. i'm surprised there's no talk of munich. that movie actually looks really appealing to me and it may be the one to break my movie hiatus.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
well while I did like Crash, I didn't think it was Oscar winning quality, but I agreed with a nomination. I agree with Maddie that it lacked nuance, for me it was just too over the top. It could have been done with more depth, but the concept and storyline was probably more important than the rest in this picture.....which is why I think it actually won.
I agree with all of this.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I'm kind of glad Brokeback Mountain didn't win. I saw it, and I don't know if it was all the hype about how great it was, but I wasn't impressed (at least not Oscar impressed). Yes, the acting was good, but I didn't find the story all that believable. They spent at most a couple of months together, and yet 20 years later they're still so in love? I don't know, I just didn't buy it.
Anyway, I feel like if Brokeback had won it would have been mainly because it was a "gay movie," and all the greatness of the movie (well, others though so anyway) would have been put on the sideline.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
this is why i can never really get into the oscars. granted it's all subjective, but i really do feel like being nominated is more of an accomplishment than actually winning, b/c it so many instances the winner just seems so arbitray.
i'll preface this by saying i haven't seen any of the movies nominated (hey maybe that makes me completely unbiased) but so much of what i've read/witnessed in the process just makes it seem so random. the other day there was the story about samuel l. jackson and how he just votes for his friends and then lets his wife/cook/nanny fill out the rest. even though he's denying the claim now, i don't doubt that for a lot of people that is how it works.
also i think a lot of it is about it being your "time" prime examples being julia roberts and denzel washington. while i don't think erin brockovitch or training day were bad movies, i don't think they were the best work either of these actors have ever done (well maybe for roberts, but much of her work involves romantic comedies). to me their wins just seemed about rewarding actors for their whole body of work/contribution to the art as a whole, not specific roles. i remember having a convo. with a co-worker about it, who was totally upset that denzel beat out russel crowe (nominated for a beautiful mind) and i was just like russel crowe won for gladiator which imho is a sh***y movie on so many levels.
honey wrote: also i think a lot of it is about it being your "time" prime examples being julia roberts and denzel washington. while i don't think erin brockovitch or training day were bad movies, i don't think they were the best work either of these actors have ever done (well maybe for roberts, but much of her work involves romantic comedies). to me their wins just seemed about rewarding actors for their whole body of work/contribution to the art as a whole, not specific roles. i remember having a convo. with a co-worker about it, who was totally upset that denzel beat out russel crowe (nominated for a beautiful mind) and i was just like russel crowe won for gladiator which imho is a sh***y movie on so many levels.
honey, this is exactly what i said to my BF last night while we were watching. it's like when al pacino won for "scent of a woman," or paul newman for "the color of money." sure, they did good work in those films, but you know voters were thinking of all their past movies and how great they are as actors, and then basically making up for other times they didn't win.