and Im done for the night. I occasionally get...I guess theyre ingrown hairs (?) on the inside of my thighs,and they really hurt. What are these,and how can I get rid of them???
*Whoever said money can't buy happiness,simply didnt know where to go shopping*- Bo Derek
I used to use Tend Skin and think it works great, but for a cheaper option, try a drop or two of pure tee tree oil on a wet cotton ball. It works just as well for a fraction of the price. And tee tree oil has lots of other uses too. It works as a toner (same way you use it for ingrown hairs), and is an antiseptic so works on cuts, stings, and burns.
Are they big? I know some people get boils on the inside of their thighs, my mom gets them sometimes. I'm not sure what causes it or what can help it though. My ingrown hairs are really small when I get them and not on the inside of my thighs so if it's big, it could be a boil.
I used to use Tend Skin and think it works great, but for a cheaper option, try a drop or two of pure tee tree oil on a wet cotton ball. It works just as well for a fraction of the price. And tee tree oil has lots of other uses too. It works as a toner (same way you use it for ingrown hairs), and is an antiseptic so works on cuts, stings, and burns.
Drew, thanks for posting that! I am on kind of a tight budget now, that really helps!
They dont always pop up after shaving,but sometimes they do.Theyre kinda like an annoying cousin,comes around at the most inconvenient time.Theyre not too big,bout the size of an average pimple. Ugh they are so gross. Thanks for the tips! I will definatley try the tea tree oil.
*Whoever said money can't buy happiness,simply didnt know where to go shopping*- Bo Derek
You can also use Witchazel, which should be available at any drugstore. If you mix a tiny bit of alcohol, some witchazel, and water, it's about the same thing as TendSkin. Just one more option that I *think* is even cheaper than tea tree oil (tee tree oil is cheap because of how long it lasts (prob. years), but one little bottle cost $10 if you can find the xs size, and the reg. size ranges from $15 - $20).