So, my hair is looking a little frazzled at the ends and I need to do something about it before I leave on my trip, but don't have time to get it cut. I was thinking of doing a hot oil treatment and/or doing a gloss to make it look a little smoother.
Questions: So I know doing a hot oil treatment after coloring can lift the color, but would it be okay to do it like a week before? Or would it prevent the color from really holding? Also, would I get more bang for my buck if I did a clear gloss or a tinted one?
Or I could always do just one or the other. Anyone?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
hot oil a week before coloring won't prevent the color from holding.
i prefer color glosses to clear ones, because i think they last longer, but i urge you to choose a shade lighter than you think you should...because they often come out a bit darker. (also, people generally tend to think their hair is darker than it actually is)
as a quick fix, you can also rub a bit (very tiny amount) of a shine serum on your ends if you are going out or something. it temporarily makes the ends look smoother.