honestly, i don't know! i'm kind of a beauty binger so it's hard to calculate the monthly cost. in some ways i save a ton but in other ways, not so much.
for example:
hair--i don't color it and only get it cut every 4-6 months, but when i do go it's expensive, about $135 a pop.
hair products--$17 mousse but that lasts a while, more than a month but i'm not sure how much more... and shampoo and conditioner are $20 each at the beauty supply store i go to but the containers are HUGE and last forever, i can't even guess how long.
beauty products--i'm usually a sucker for beauty events and have been known to spend quite a bit ($500 was my max but usually it's more around $100) but then again the events are only like twice a year, and the make-up artists are amazingly talented, and it's usually the case that i'm going out that night so it's not so bad, right?
mani/pedi--again it's totally sporatic, sometimes i'll go every two weeks but then i'll go months w/o setting foot in a nail salon. when i do go, it's about $30 total for both mani and pedi.
my gym membership is only $29 a month though, at good old l.a. fitness
oh i almost forgot my eyebrows--i can usually go as long as six weeks but when i do go it's $35 a pop.
so i have no idea how much that all comes to but i'm officially going to try and cut down. this poll actually came at the perfect time because NARS is having an event at barneys' (if any LA girls are interested, pm me for details) and so i'll try to be careful when i go.