I don't know what is wrong with me, but this morning I woke up and my right side really hurt. I have pain in the right side of my ribcage and underneath. It's very tender to touch and sore. I looked in the mirror and it looks like my right side is slightly swollen - it looks a little bigger than my left side. I don't know what could be wrong - anyone have any ideas? My boyfriend thought since I sleep on my right side every night, all night, maybe I just cramped up, or even pulled/strained a muscle. But I'm getting freaked out. Can anyone help?
The right side is where your appendix (spelling?, hehe) is, so I might go see a doctor. Hope you feel better soon
I thought about that FP, but I just don't know - the only symptom I have is the pain the right side. Does anyone think it could just be a muscle or something minor I did and I should wait to go to the doctor? I don't know what to do?
Is it lower right side or upper? And are you throwing up or any other symptoms? Any doctors or nurses or med students on the board? I really have no idea but a friend of mine's appendix burst - she had some symptoms but she ignored them until it was so serious her fiance had to call 911.
Here's a link to site about it. http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/appendicitis/#2
I hope it's nothing though - take care of yourself...
Dizzy - the pain is sort of the lower right side, but truly more in my side and not my abs. If i touch my ribs, they are tender, and the area right below that, it also hurts on my actual side. I looked up the signs of appendicitis, and my pain did not start in my belly button. I don't have any other signs either. I woke up yesterday morning and the area was sore. It hasn't gotten better or worse, it's just the same. I took tylenol and it didn't do much
Well, Tylenol is pretty useless for pain anyway IMO. Does your health insurance have a nurse advice line? If so I'd call them, or call your regular docs office to get their after-hours referral number. I think you need to talk to somebody to get some kind of professional opinion/advice.
FWIW, I had similar random swelling on my right side last year - just woke up one morning and it was there. It wasn't really sensitive to the touch, but felt really hard and hurt if I tried to suck in my stomach. It just kind of went away on its own in 2 days or so - nobody ever figured out what it was. Could have been some random infection (though I didn't have a fever) or even a pulled muscle. They told me that if you pull a deep muscle in your torso, it can bleed into your thoracic cavity and cause swelling until it starts to heal.
Call someone - and let us know how you're doing!
-- Edited by Elle at 12:52, 2006-02-04
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Go to the doctor! I had my appendix out in October. Here are what my symptoms were like: I started with moderate pain in my stomach area, which progressed to my lower right, and it got to the point where I couldn't walk, or even bend over to tie my own shoes. I also threw up a few times. Is that at all how you feel? If what you have is appendecitis, you want to get it out ASAP. A burst appendix is a much more serious and dangerous condition.
scarlett - I don't have any of the symptoms you just described at all.
elle - thank you so much for telling me to call a Nurse Line - I totally forgot I had access to one of those through my work. I actually just called and talked to a nurse and I feel a lot better. She told me based on what I described, it's not my appendix and it sounds like I could just have some bruising or a strain from possibly sleeping, activity I don't remember, or even from sitting at my desk all day and not moving around enough, or from not drinking enough fluids. I feel relieved. Thanks girls