Is it unmoveable? Could it possibly be a welt/lump in your muscle from bumping into something? Does it hurt?
FWIW, I had a HUGE lump on my thigh (inner) once. It looked and felt like I had half a lemon under my skin, and was soooo painful I could hardly walk. They though it might be DVT, but turned out to be a gland that was massively swollen . Anyway, point is, it could be absolutely nothing, it could be something minor, or it could be something serious. If you have a hotline/nurse advice line through your health insurance, I'd give it a call and just see what they say.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
When I was 10 yrs old I developed a cyst the size of a golfball on my head. It felt hard, like bone. I had it removed (surgery/anesthesia)and it turned out to be a calcified cyst(benign).