I have plans to go skiing with my girlfriends this weekend. For the past two mornings I have been waking up with a sore throat and now I am starting to get the sniffles! These are usually the first signs of me catching the flu. I need to be able to stop it! any medications out there I can take? Vitamins? I could use all the help I can get!
Not sure if taking Vitamin C 24/7 is really the best I can do…
Three things that work for me if i catch it soon enough....
get up RIGHT NOW and gargle warm salt water!! (my dad's a dentist and he would always tell my brother, sister, and i this, and we would always be skeptical, but it seriously works! i always stop sore throats doing this. do it a couple times a day)
get lots of rest. take a drowsy cold medicine when you get home (i like the night time alka seltzer ones that you drink...only like 4 oz. so it's not THAT bad. it knocks me right out)
vitamin c (i usually do this through lozenges.)
i hope you feel better.
make sure you read this an start gargling that warm salt water! i swear it works.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I'd also take a daily multi-vitamin if you aren't already. I take one daily, and actually double up when I feel something starting to come on.
FWIW, it sounds to me like you have 'The Crud', which is a nasty head cold that's been going around in many parts of the country lately (FH brought it home with him from work where everyone's had it already, and then I got it too). Starts with a couple days of sore throat, moves to stuffiness/nasal congestion, and lingers with the nasal congestion for awhile after that. Annoying, but better than the flu!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Tara wrote: I swear that Airborne Cold Remedy helps to fight off colds. But I think it really is just an extra super dose of Vitamin C. Anyway, my office stocks Airborne - and I have fought off a couple colds this way.
Agree Airborne is great, I highly recommend it. Also, my doc says take 3000mg of Vitamin C. You can split it up through the day. I like the chewable kind- I take enough pills!
Tara wrote: I swear that Airborne Cold Remedy helps to fight off colds. But I think it really is just an extra super dose of Vitamin C. Anyway, my office stocks Airborne - and I have fought off a couple colds this way. Agree Airborne is great, I highly recommend it. Also, my doc says take 3000mg of Vitamin C. You can split it up through the day. I like the chewable kind- I take enough pills!
3rd. Airborne really does work, but only before the actual cold/flu "hits" you completely. Feel better!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
airborne and emergen'c - yes it is basically just vitamin c (with some other vitas), but i haven't been sick once this winter. woot woot. i had been taking one every day but i've slacked for the past month- as soon as a cold starts to come on, i'm extra attentive though and start taking it again.
I hope my reply isn't too late... Zicam works wonders. It is a homeopathic remedy that you can get at any drugstore and it wiped out a cold/flu in like 2 days. I recommend the nasal swabs. You stick it in each nostral every 4 hours. It really works!