I know that generally stylists say every 6-8 weeks, but how often does the average person actually have their hair trimmed?
It used to be every 10-12 weeks for me. I've decided to do it more often now (plus I have a shorter haircut), so I'm planning on every 8 weeks or so now.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
6 weeks just seems so ..... often. I guess if you had a really short haircut it might be necessary. I kept mine at about my collarbone for the last 2 years, and had to get it cut every 8-10 weeks I'd say - that's about when it would start misbehaving .
As of right now, I've not had a hair cut in 8 months
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I used to abide by the 6 week rule because I thought it would really benefit by hair, but it really didn't so I decided to give my wallet a break. I now only go once every 4 months and I get my hair colored/highlighted at the same time. It usually costs me about $180 for all of this so it's about $540 a year. That's really not bad and my hair hasn't suffered at all.
I get my hair cut once every 3 months. Any longer than that, and split ends start to take over, and my layers disappear (hey, just like they're doing right now! lol)
I was going every 7-8 weeks, but I'm going to start every 6 weeks. The reason is is that my hair is fine and dries out way to easily, no matter what I try, so I get split ends a lot quicker. 6 weeks helps keep them at bay much better..
I used to be really bad about this and only went when I couldn't stand my hair anymore. But now..I'd say about every 2-3 months. My problem is...my hair looooves to start looking GREAT right when I start thinking it's time for a cut...so then I postpone cutting it.
well, right now im looking at almost a full year since it's been cut by anyone except the bf (and i do NOT recoomend that to anyone, it was quite a job he did!) because im trying to grow it out and i haven't figured out yet how im gonna get it to look. i can't cut my hair without deciding what it's gonna look like. but normally, when it was short, it was every four weeks or so. my hair was super super short so i had to keep getting it cut otherwise it just looked shaggy.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Every 3 months maybe? Basically when I can't do anything with it or if I have to look especially cute for a special occassion. I need a color SOOOO bad right now but I'm broke....
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
every 2-3 months...and when i do get it trimmed, i get the slightest dusting possible (1/4 inch). i think as long as someone takes good care of their hair, they can go longer between cuts. when i was coloring my hair all the time, i got it cut probably once a month (again as a baby trim).
I usually can't go more than 8 weeks. My hair has light highlights, and it's fine, so it damages easily. It's just about 8 weeks now, and I keep forgetting to make the appt. My hair is so desperately in need of a cut it's not even funny.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I've cut back recently from every 6 weeks to every 8 weeks (when I get my color done) and the only thing that bugs me about that is that my bangs grow way too fast so around 4 weeks they are too long to do anything so I think I'm going to start going in for bang trims every 4 weeks since they are cheap.