Did anyone watch last night's episode? I am soo glad he sent that Yvonne chick home - she looked like a trannie! I did not like her. My favorite is definitely Susan (the brunette he gave the bday cake too) - she seems like she is there for the right reasons and she is beautiful. I did like the redhead until last night - I thought it was really lame of her and Jehan (sp?) to go interrupt him and Susan when they already had roses.
Is it just me, or is the bachelor sort of a dick?!
I did not like that he took Susan up to his bedroom for birthday cake. I think it would have been appropriate to give her a birthday cake and spend a brief one on one time with her (like he does with all the other girls), but the whole thing was just weird that he took her to his bedroom and they seemed to stay up there forever.
And Yvonne scared me too. I don't really have a favorite yet, but it's safe to say it's not going to be Travis.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
ok, I agree with all of that, shopchicago! about the girls - but I kind of like the bachelor. I like that he called the girls on coming to find them....& sent them away with cake. I liked yvonne before but last night she was such a witch, I'm glad she went home - ms-I'll-only-sleep-in-a-gucci-tent!!!! And I can't believe he let cole go - I REALLY liked her. I wonder which of them is trying to be an actress? I am guessing that Moana chick. And I'm still laughing about the girl that took crazy pills!
And Jennifer "model" said - "I have drank enough champagne to know it was chilled but I had no idea it was in a cave! I'm a fan of anywhere that has open champagne - absolutely a fan of it" And yes, I am a nerd, I played it back on my tivo!!!! So damn funny! I know this isn't staged because seriously, the writers couldn't even make that up!!!!!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I liked Tara. Mostly cause she has great hair and I thought it was hilarious she was trashed pretty much throughout the episode. I also liked when the blonde talked about drinking champagne and then did the booty dance. Hilarious. I like Moana too just cause I think she's classy and smart. I have no problem with people being on the Bachelor for the wrong reasons. It's a stupid show (that I LOVE).
About the bachelor...I don't really get him. I don't think he's necessarily a jerk, but I think he's not that intersting at all. I also don't get why he wouldn't kiss her. Call me a whore, but if another person and I have a mutual desire to kiss, I usually just go for it. It's really not a big deal. I was annoyed with Susan when she said "lady's got class!" in response to the girl asking her if she kissed him. Please.
teensy hijack....i just wanted to add that my awesome epidemiology professor today used the bachelor to describe something (odds ratios and relative risks in case anybody cared). im not really sure why, but it's awesome that my professor in a statistics course referenced the bachelor. it actually made me wanna watch to see what was going on!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
#1, susan is so incredibly beautiful--she's like a perfect doll or something. but the chee-hee-hee-sy speech about how when he looks at her, the "rest of the world melts away"--gag. she sounds like a hallmark card if they were written by 8 year olds hopped up on disney movies.
i HATE tara the redhead--ugh, so annoying. she looked like one of the von trapp children in those johnson-esque shorts that she was wearing on the champagne date--they were too small and tight for the look to work--they looked like lederhosen.
and sara from canada just seems so dumb and dull--maybe it's editing, but i don't understand why he's so smitten with her and finds her "adorable." she thought it was an "amazing conversation" when she told him that she "got a wow" when she was with him and then kind of chuckled like beavis and butthead, and the bachelor didn't even respond. what are her non-amazing conversations like, i wonder? jeez.
i think jen the model is funny and seems like she has a cool personality. ditto jehan. i would say jehan is the only one i particularly like though, at this point--i hope she wins.
also, people who might have benefited from having their roots done before going on national television: sara from canada and jen the model.
not a fan of this bachelor....actually, I usually don't like the bachelor's, except for the last guy...forgot his name, was a little older and kind. I am rooting for Moana because she is acting like she doesn't care....and she shouldn't. On another thought, I think the reason some of these girls are acting so dumb and making tacky comments is because they are drunk. I think the show producers prefer them to be drunk, actuallly.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld