I wasn't sure where this should go so I'm going to start with this section. I got married about two months ago and I didn't know what to do with my bouquet, so I before we left for the honeymoon, I hung it upside down from my shower curtain rod. I figured this would be a good place since we wouldn't be using the shower while we were away. Well, there I put them and there they stayed! I just don't know what to do with them. Any ideas?
An idea: You can take the bq to someplace like aaron brothers, or other framing shop- and have the bouquet put into a shadowbox display. You can display this alone with a lacy background, or colors pulled in from your wedding, or even add a couple of other items to the box from your ensemble like: lace gloves, a garter, your shoes, pictures, anything from your wedding to make a memory scene from your wedding. There are also places that freeze dry wedding bqs to preserve them in there origional state-, you could take it to them now to put on a protective coating to prolong the state they are currently in , because dried flowers can be really brittle and shed. There are also products in Michaels, and other craft stores in the dried flowers section that will preserve flowers... HTH!
Even though they are old and ugly looking do you want to still preserve them in the state they are now for sentimental reasons? You can take them to a frame shop and have them put into a shadowbox similar to this. It will at least capture what you have left, there are products at craft store that you can spray on the dried bq that will keep them intact and help from shedding until you have them put into whatever diplay you wish to put it in.
A couple years ago, Martha Stewart did a show on how to store dried flowers correctly. If you 're not wanting to display them, check out her website or something. I know it involved a sand-like material that surrounded the flowers and protected them...sorry I don't remember more, but I'd check out either her website or books.