How should I go about asking my supervisor if I could possibly fill a vacancy in our workplace. Basically right now I am at the bottom of the totem pole. An idiot could do my job. To be honest, I am sick and tired of being the resident "office b*tch" and was contemplating leaving this position. If I were to get this position, it would mean more money, less b*tch work, and something that would be a whole lot more stimulating than what I am doing right now. However, I am one of the youngest people at work (I'm 23, and most people herer are at 35-40 and older). Thanks in advance!
I don't see why your age or the fact you're doing the bitch work matters. Just say something along the lines of "I really like working here and I noticed you had this opportunity. I think my experience in blah blah blah would make me a good fit. What other skills are you looking for?" Oh, and research to find out what the last person who had the job did, exactly, and sort of tailor the convesation to that. If they blow you off because they have you pegged as just the secretary, you might need to move somewhere else. But it's worth a shot.
Definately go for it. Your age definately should not matter.
Just say to your boss.. "I really like working here.. but I think I'm ready for some more responsibility and different challenges. I think I would be a good fit for this open position."