Well I weighed in tonight. I swear I won't harp on weight loss every single week, but due to the overwhelming support I received I wanted to let ya'll know how my weigh in went tonight!
I LOST 6.6 POUNDS!!!!!!!!
And yes, I know that some of that is water weight & I was PMSing so I suppose I was bloated, but the way I see it, it counted last week when i got on that scale so it counts this week now that it's gone! What great motivation to keep it up.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Woohoo!!! Yay for you! I got on ST right now just to see if you'd posted your weight loss. That's awesome! I'm so excited for you. Keep up the good work! Maybe I'll start counting for my 10 (okay 20) pound New Year's Resolution. You're such an inspiration, Laken1.