Years ago in college I had a heart condition, Wolfe Parkinson White, which would make me heart beat really fast in an abnormal rhythm for long periods of time. I had a non-surgical procedure that corrected it but in the past couple weeks I've been getting symptoms reminiscent of what I used to, although not exactly the same. I'm seeing my doctor and working through tests and on meds so everything is cool, but it just has me a little down. All my friends and my boyfriend are incredibly supportive but it's all just a bunch of scary foreign mumbo-jumbo to them. I hadn't realized until yesterday how isolated it makes me feel--my doctor mentioned something about another patient like me, a woman in her mid-twenties who has had this condition for a long time, who had an episode of arrhythmia while on her way to a job interview recently. She came by the doctor's office, they broke the arrhythmia, and she turned around and went back to her interview. I had to laugh because it was exactly the kind of thing that might have happened to me, and I just found myself wishing I knew someone else who had been through this, or something like it. Just going to the cardiologist makes me foolishly happy because they speak my language.
I don't have any heart conditions, so I can't offer you solidarity on that point but my nephew has/had a heart condition, so I can sympathize from a bit of a "knowledge" aspect. He had to have open heart surgery when he was a few months old. It was really terrifying and scary. I was about 12 at the time, so I've had about 15 (yikes!) years to deal with it and understand it. Luckily for everyone, the surgery seems to have repaired his condition but he still visits a cardiologist about once a year to check on everything.
It's slightly terrifying isn't it? I mean, everyone says everything is going to be okay and the doctors say everything is going to be okay but it isn't an arm or allergies or a spleen or something. It's your HEART. It's very unnerving to think there's something going on in your body that not only can't you control but has the potential to be very serious, all without any of your knowledge or help.
Like I said, I can't sympathize from a "been there" perspective but I can from a concerned family member perspective. I hope you feel better and nothing's wrong with you whatsoever!!
My mom also has a WPW arrythmia, so I can somewhat sympathize. I don't know what I can tell you, b/c I don't know alot about it but I hope everything is ok. I can sympathize more with your friends and bf b/c I know how scary it is to see someone going through it and not being able to help them at all. My mom was in the hospital in the spring and I was a complete wreck. Its hard b/c you can't actually see it happening so we (as friends and relatives) can't really grasp what is going on.
It's slightly terrifying isn't it? I mean, everyone says everything is going to be okay and the doctors say everything is going to be okay but it isn't an arm or allergies or a spleen or something. It's your HEART. It's very unnerving to think there's something going on in your body that not only can't you control but has the potential to be very serious, all without any of your knowledge or help.
Well, for not having a problem like this, you sure as hell put your finger right on it... this is exactly how I feel right now. How perceptive you are!
I'm sorry you feel isolated Sephorablue. My FH is an echocardiographer and sees conditions like yours every single day. Many young people like yourself actually, with various issues. So we talk hearts alot at my house - I was his study buddy all through school, so he comes home and tells me about the things he saw that day.
I'm sure you've been through lots of testing and doctors and stuff, but if you'd like I can ask him about your specific condition - how many people he's seen with it and how they do and stuff. We also have alot of professional journals around the house and at his lab - I'm sure there's a study that's been done on your condition in one of them .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
blubirde wrote: It's slightly terrifying isn't it? I mean, everyone says everything is going to be okay and the doctors say everything is going to be okay but it isn't an arm or allergies or a spleen or something. It's your HEART. It's very unnerving to think there's something going on in your body that not only can't you control but has the potential to be very serious, all without any of your knowledge or help. Well, for not having a problem like this, you sure as hell put your finger right on it... this is exactly how I feel right now. How perceptive you are!
I don't know about perceptive, but a worryer? Yes, definitely. And not only is that the way I'd feel if it was happening to me, but it's the way I feel/felt w/r/t my nephew. I was slightly consumed with all things heart related for awhile because of him. I like to read all information available and be as up-to-date as I can be regarding medical conditions. I have slight OCD issues and something like a heart condition brings out all my control issues. I can only imagine what I'd be doing if I were you! You seem to be handling it like a pro.
Maybe your doctor could put you in touch with the other girl who came in? I'm not sure if they'd do that but if s/he would, then you could have someone to talk to who completely understands everything you're going through.