so, im growing a monster zit on my chin and i don't know what to do with it. it's actually the size (diameter wise) of a pea!!! however, it hasn't formed a head or anything like that, it's just this gross hard bump but it hardly sticks out past the level of the rest of my skin. but you totally see it because it's all red. so help me get rid of it! it's got no head to it so i can't pop it without doing major scarification damage or without sending a blood clot or something rushing to my brain. my boyfriend is seriously talking about lancing it, like you would with a boil. ive tried salysilic acid but that hasn't worked much. what the freak should i do? are there implements or tools that i can purchase to get rid of this? help!
ps...i've named it emmma. so even if i don't get rid of it, at least ive made a new friend.
"hi, meet emma, she's quiet and unassuming, but makes a big impression once you get to know her"
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Ugh, that sucks- those take forever to go away on me! If you have a dermatologist, a cortisone shot would take care of it right away. BP also tends to help me. If you're concerned about redness, putting ice on it might help with that. You probably know this, but the best thing is to not touch it a lot with your hands or squeeze at it- anything you do other than topical things (and a shot from the derm) will probably just make it a lot worse and could cause scarring! Good luck- HTH!
I just had one! I usually get one right before my period. Strange, it just seems to come back in the same spot too. I've tried putting creams on it and it never works. It just makes it worse. When I leave it alone, it disappears in a few days. I feel your pain.
I think your best bet is just to cover the redness with some green concealer and then your regular makeup. Maybe no one will notice it if it's close to your skin color.
Sorry to be a drag Emma, but you are no longer wanted around these parts!
I feel your pain - I am currently entertaining Emmas larger twin sister, Zelda. She is a dime-sized bitch who has already overstayed her welcome. Maybe if we buy them a condo in Boca they'll go away ...
A glob of 10% BP for the last few nights have taken her down a little - and I second the ice suggestion.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
If you apply a hot compress like a heating pad this could help bring it to a head. When it does come to a head and you decide to pop it, try tea tree oil afterwards. After that dries, you can apply your BP or SA product. Good luck getting rid of Emma.
thanks girls...i guess i knew there wasn't a miracle cure out there. i try not to touch it...but i can't help it now and then, i just need to know if emma is still with me.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling