I think it's cute. The key to cuts like that seems to be color, though, do you have highlights? And I haven't liked that style in dark hair when I've seen it. Too blah.
you might want to look for pictures with girls hair that is you color so you can picture yourself with it better. but something like this might work for you........
I really like the style, but I can see it taking a lot of work to get that exact level of perfect mussedness, you know? I basically have that cut (including bangs, though I always tuck them behind my ear b/c I'm over them) but shorter (and my hair is curly, but I normally straighten it) and sometimes I have to really mess with it texture-wise to keep it from just hanging there - like I have to recurl it or mist and twist some pieces to reintroduce my natural texture. Could just be my hair, though. Just thought I'd share my personal experience. I do think the cut is really cute, though.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I took Nicole's pic to get my hair cut like that when she first cut it. I have fine, pin-straight hair and it did give it volume. BUT-Just to let you know, Nicole has extensions to make her hair thick like that so of course it won't look the same, but it is still cute!