Since we're all in withdrawal, let's discuss some theories!
A lot of people believe that the Losties are all dead and that we're seeing them in Purgatory. What is your opinion of that theory?
Another question I have as I watch the episodes from Season 1: In most of the episodes, the first (or one of the first shots) is an eye opening suddenly. We see that with Jack, Locke, and Charlie, and at least a few others. What do you think the significance is?
I don't think they're in Purgatory. I definitely think it's part of some corporate or gov't experiment. For the first few episodes, I did think they were in some kind of Purgatory, and that they had to resolve whatever problems they had before they could leave the island. But then we found out that the monster was mechanical, Locke found the hatch, and I started to re-think the whole Purgatory theory. When Boone died without resolving his backstory, I gave up on it all together.
Originally, I thought the eye opening shot at the beginning of a few episodes was a way to show which character's backstory would be in the episode. Now, I don't know what it means.
I want to know what happened to Jack's father's body. Did they ever find it and bury him? I can't remember.
I don't think they're in Purgatory either. It's too simple of an explanation, like if they all woke up and it was all a dream. Too convenient and not intriguing enough.
As far as Jack's father's body, I'm guessing that they took the body out of the casket at the Sydney airport. They told him he couldn't take it on the plane and he said he needed to, so I wonder if they took it out so that it could get through customs and whatnot and they figured Jack would never find out. That's just a guess though.
Hmmm...other questions....Who do we think Adam and Eve are that they found in the cave? That whole scene creeped me out big time.
ok, i finally saw the episode "what kate did" last night (missed it the first time around). what is the deal with the black horse? and aww, sayyid really did see walt--he wasn't just saying it to make shannon feel better.
I didn't know the writers debunked the "it's a dream" and time travel theories. I'm so glad to hear that! I would have been so disappointed if the last ep of the series consisted of one of the characters waking up in time to see the rest of the in-flight movie.
Supposedly the next new ep is supposed to be about Eko.
ok, i finally saw the episode "what kate did" last night (missed it the first time around). what is the deal with the black horse? and aww, sayyid really did see walt--he wasn't just saying it to make shannon feel better.
I'm still confused about the black horse, to be honest. Some seem to think that it's a good omen or a guardian angel of sorts, since it saved her life. I don't know though. Usually the color black isn't tied to good omens. And a black stallion (to me) has dark sexual overtones. I could be totally wrong though. Sayid definitely saw Walt, whether it's really Walt or just an image of Walt. His face suggested that he saw him while Shannon's back was to him, so he definitely didn't see it just to agree with her.
On Walt - I noticed that in all his 'appearances' before the last one, he seemed to both appear and disappear from/into thin air. The last time when Sayid saw him too, it was different - he stayed there while they looked, looked away, and looked back, and you also saw him physically walk/run away, instead just disappearing.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}