This is kind of embarassing, but for the past few months, I've been sweating like a hog at night. I thought with winter coming (I live in NJ), I'd be a lot cooler at night, but boy was I wrong and it actually seems to be getting worse! Last night, I slept with just underwear and a shirt on, and both the bedroom windows open and I STILL woke up drenched in sweat. Had I not been too lazy, I would have gotten up to change my shirt. I even had the blankets off of me halfway through the night and I still woke up sweating. I'm starting to think that's there's something wrong and this is not normal, but before I panic, I just wanted to know if anyone else gets the nightsweats, and what/if there's anything to do about it.
I don't know if it's the same thing but I get really hot at night when I sleep and I sweat like a pig. It's gross. I try to sleep with just a sheet on but I still get hot.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Collette wrote: I don't know if it's the same thing but I get really hot at night when I sleep and I sweat like a pig. It's gross. I try to sleep with just a sheet on but I still get hot.
Well, I don't even know if what's happening could be considered a nightsweat, but I'm getting darned tired of it!
Are you taking any new medicine? I learned that they are a very common side effect of Paxil. I used to take it because I have random panic attacks. As soon as I switched to something else, I never got nightsweats again.
I always seem to overheat when I sleep though. I use a thin blanket while DH has three (!!), plus I set the thermostat to 67 and have a ceiling fan. I would check with your doctor just to be on the safe side.
This doesn't happen to me that often, but every now and then, my BF tells me in the morning that when he got in bed that night (i go to bed earlier) I was drenched in sweet. It's really weird, because I never wake up and notice it. He's actually had to change me into dry clothes, and I never remember him doing so. I don't know what causes it at all. It's not like I wake up all hot or anything.
Well, I'm taking Zoloft for anxiety, but I've been taking it for a long time, so I don't think it's that. The thing is, I get so hot that it actually wakes me up. I really don't know what it is, and like I said, it's been happening for months, but it's really starting to get on my nerves.
Ok, these are just things to consider, I doubt they apply in your case, but this used to happen to my ex about the time he started drinking a lot. Your body has to get rid of the toxins, and so it sort of goes into overdrive sweating. He used to DRENCH his clothes and both sheets and couldn't have any blankets, no matter how cold it was. If you don't drink, maybe there's something else going into your body that it's trying to excrete. I dont' know.
And the other thing is, I don't know how old you are, but menopause symptoms can start even in your early thirties. I've had coworkers going through this, and I guess night sweats and hot flashes are a really common symptom, that and, I think, much heavier periods.
Most likely though, it's not a big deal and will clear up on its own.
I've had this happen off and on for years...probably the last six years or so. It's intermittent and seems to have stopped for now (meaning that it hasn't happened maybe in the last 8-10 months). Sometimes it would wake me up and sometimes it wouldn't. When it would wake me up, I'd have to go get a big towel to sleep on because the sheets would be soaked - not very fun.
I never could tie it to anything - I'm not a big drinker and it happened at times when I hadn't drunk anything. I take a nighttime med for my Fibromyalgia but have been on that for a long time - more than six years - so don't think it's that either. Since it was so seemingly random, I never mentioned it to my Dr, though maybe I should have...
I don't have any advice for you, but just want you to know you're not alone.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I have this problem too! I am so glad that I am not alone. Stress can cause it too. But it still does not fix the problem. Its really annoying! I mentioned it to my gyno thinking that I was going through early menopause. She said its nothing to worry about. As if that was comforting.
Well, I don't drink a lot. Very rarely and when I do it's usually just a glass of wine. I'm only 23, so I don't *think* it's menopause, but you never DOES happen. I really should just go to the doctor for a checkup but I don't think it's anything too serious so I'll hold off for a bit.
I always wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat...I usually have toget up and get a drink of water and change my shirt....I think it is because my hormones are so screwed up with the baby
I have been struggling with this for the past couple of years. It really sucks. It got worse when I was pregnant, then went away, and now it's back. I've decided that it's a hormonal issue (after discussing it with my OB-GYN, a nurse friend of mine, and 2 internal medicine docs and researching it a bit myself). I get it worse right before my period, so that's something for you to think about. I hate it though b/c I almost always have to change my t-shirt and underwear (gross, I know). By the time I am fully drenched, I wake up shivering from the wetness. I try to just keep myself comfortable. I find that the really thin t-shirts from GapBody make it the most tolerable. Sorry I can't give you any advice, but I know how you feel.
Did you change any of your bedding around the time this started happening? A few years ago this was happening to me and I couldn't figure out what was going on but when I finally mentioned it to my Mom she pointed out that I had purchased a new matress pad at about the time it started happening. I guess the matress pad I was using had polyester in it and wasn't 100% cotton. I ended up buying a new 100% cotton mattress pad and I haven't had a problem since. My issue was with the matress pad but I'm sure the same thing coud happen with sheets or even a new mattress. Good luck!
a few years ago, i had to take pain medicine while healing from surgery, and every freaking night i was on those pills i would sweat to death. and i also had really bad nightmares.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra