After the holidays I am going to start a job search. My current job doesn't pay enough money, and there is virtually no room for promotion (it's a small company).
My Question: How do you schedule interviews when you have to be at work?? Just plan to take a vacation day on a certain date and hope you can fit in as many interviews as possible? Won't it look weird if I keep taking days off on short notice?
This is my first real, full-time job so I'm not sure how these things work. I would be greatful for any tips related to getting a new job. TIA!
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Hmmm, i'll be doing the same thing in the new year and plan on trying to schedule as many as I can around lunch time- if not *at* lunch, than at like ,1 or 2, and say I'm taking a late lunch? Or, if you have any flexability, can you schedule them first thing in the morning and then work an hour late to make up for it?
I just got a new job earlier this year. I tried to schedule phone interviews early morning or evening if possible.. Most time the people interviewing you are flexible and understanding when you tell them that you don't want to do it during work hours. For actual interviews I had to just take vacation days since they were out of town. I tried to schedule them on Fridays or Mondays so that I could just say I was taking a long weekend if anyone asked.