i went in there last friday with my friend that i was visiting in nyc. OH MY GOD what assholes! there were two older men in the store, middle-eastern maybe? i can't tell.
we were the only two shoppers in the store, and i swear we didn't look like thieves. we were both dressed well but bundled (it was freezing), and had a ton of shopping bags with us. which, by the way, the one guy that wasn't behind the counter grabbed as soon as we walked in so he could put them on the rack on the wall. i mean, aggressively grabbed. we should've left then.
having never been in there before, and living as i do in upstate new york, it's not often i get to see actual prada, mj, etc. bags. so i'm walking around, drooling, figuring out what i should get to replace my handmaid bag that didn't work out. the guy on the floor was STALKING us, following us around (i mean, a max of two feet away - the store is tiny, he could've watched us from any spot in the store - not to mention the guy behind the counter could see us the whole time too). at first my friend and i were walking next to each other, but then we split up and the guy RAN around to where she was and then RAN back to me - he didn't know what to do when he couldn't be right next to both of us.
never in my life have i been treated so awfully in a store! i felt like such a jerk. after a few minutes my friend looked at me and said "i'm getting annoyed" (she didn't have to tell me why!) and i said "yeah, let's go," and we left. the assholes missed out on a $500+ sale (i was serioisly contemplating an mj) because they were so rude. it was horrible.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
Yup they are a-holes in the store. They have been held at gun point before and been ripped off several times and cased several times. Not sure if they have one now but they used to have a former customs agent who packed heat working there. He has since quit because he was sick of the abuse of the owner. Which is what usually happens with all of their employees including those paid in handbags like me.
The owner is Jewish and had his employee email me on Rosh Hashanah to put up pictures that night. Well I am Jewish too and its a really important holiday, I am not going to do that. Not for 1 bag every 6 months. That broke the camels back and I quit could not deal with them yelling at me all of the time.
They are psycho about watching people but honestly if he invested in an inventory tracking system like I suggested then customers like you would not have bad experiences. I know I used to rave about them but now that I no longer work for them and I am being forced to invite the owner and his 3 kids to my wedding against my will because they are friends with my inlaws (no other friends of family are being invited with kids mind you just family) I will be happy to and have begun to spread the truth.