I basically think poop is the funniest thing ever, but also have a huge phobia. Because I'm 19, I've never dated anyone who has their own house or anything, but I can't imagine being cool with having the door open. My ex was real uptight about it too. We know this (annoying) couple and the girl was going on and on about how constipated she was and then how she took this medecine and it gave her really bad diarrhea and then she got constipated again and then got an enema, etc, etc. Afterward my boyfriend was like, "I'm not trying to be an asshole, and I realize you do that, but it's your business and it's just not something I want to hear all the details about." Pretty much my thoughts exactly. Living in dorms last year with public bathrooms was a nightmare! I pretty much went to the library every time to use the (private) handicapped bathroom.
Yeah, boys are pretty shameless. Mine always said he must have 'stepped on a frog'. He kills approximately 174 frogs per day. Where does all that come from !
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
This thread is seriously hysterical. But also informative! I worry about doing 'number two' outside of my own bathroom. It's so bizarre, but it's almost a phobia!
My ex would always say 'girls dont take craps' when it would come up. Too funny.
My sister and I have no problem discussing this. We both think it is hysterical and can laugh and joke about it for hours. However, there was no open-door policy with my ex. In fact whenever he needed to go, he would do so discreetly. Gas, on the other hand, totally grosses me out. Ugh!
I am with NCShopper and lillyann. I do not like to talk about it, hear about it, or see someone else doing it. I don't even like to pee in public bathrooms! When I lived in the dorms I used to use this bathroom that no one ever went to. Now I live alone, so it's fine.
I don't have a boyfriend, but I would never do that in front of anyone! I don't even like to do it when my family is in the next room. I'm very private about what I do in the bathroom.
-- Edited by wetbandit42 at 22:34, 2005-12-05
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
NCshopper wrote: OMG I am at work right now and I'm trying SO hard not to laugh. I come from a closed-door family and my husband and I are strictly closed-door peeps. And I intend on keeping it that way. I'm weird about bathroom related stuff though. I don't like to talk about it, I don't like to hear about it, and it would be fine with me if we could all just pretend like it just doesn't happen. I'm weird about it. I've never found poop/fart humor funny although my husband thinks it is HILLARIOUS! Anyway, I'm still very awkward about it. If I have to go, I'll go in the bathroom that's furthest away from him. I don't know if I'll relax about it over time or what. I'm kinda thinking I won't though. We've lived together for 2.5 years and I'm still weird about it.
I could have totally written this.
-- Edited by laken1 at 17:02, 2005-12-06
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Living in dorms last year with public bathrooms was a nightmare! I pretty much went to the library every time to use the (private) handicapped bathroom.
Finally! Validation! I don't mind peeing in public bathrooms but I HAAAAATE having to #2 in public. I always, always go to the ADA bathroom in my office. Break out in a sweat if I have to go at school, where there are no private ones available. So glad to know I'm not the only one... I thought it was just me!
I'm JUST NOW reading this, at WORK, and have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard, this thread is by far the FUNNIEST one! LMAO!
Ok, well, after living w/Joe for almost 7 yrs., we do and don't have an open door policy; me, I'll just automatically close the door behind me, for No. 1 or No. 2. Sometimes when I come home, and he's not in the living room, I'll see the bathroom light on, and well...... You know the rest! LMAO! At work, I'll only No. 1 on my floor, but IF I have to No. 2, I'll go to a different floor, me and another friend have this thing about looking at the other person's shoes, so if you see them thru-out the day, you'll know who it was. LMAO! Don't need nobody calling me out.
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
How did I miss this earlier. I am so weird about the bathroom. I'm in the category that only does #1 in public or at a friends house.
Blubirdie - the new guy I'm seeing is pretty much over at my place all the time so I tend to either hold it till he leaves or go and take a bubble bath to "destress from work"
I know this might not be an option at his place, but I keep a candle in every bathroom and a book of matches within reach. That way, if a pal just has to go, then at least they have the option of lighting a match (for the purpose of lighting a candle!) to get rid of odor. It works.
Another option is only go #2 right before you are going to hop in the shower, that way the fragrant shampoos and soaps clear the air for you.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
sephorablue wrote: Finally! Validation! I don't mind peeing in public bathrooms but I HAAAAATE having to #2 in public. I always, always go to the ADA bathroom in my office. Break out in a sweat if I have to go at school, where there are no private ones available. So glad to know I'm not the only one... I thought it was just me!
I was just studying in the student center place and walked 2 blocks back to my house in twenty degree weather to go to the bathroom. You are not alone.
sephorablue wrote: Finally! Validation! I don't mind peeing in public bathrooms but I HAAAAATE having to #2 in public. I always, always go to the ADA bathroom in my office. Break out in a sweat if I have to go at school, where there are no private ones available. So glad to know I'm not the only one... I thought it was just me! I was just studying in the student center place and walked 2 blocks back to my house in twenty degree weather to go to the bathroom. You are not alone.
hahahaha! I literally laughed out loud reading this! I'm so sorry, Maddie!