I was thinking of asking for Chanel powder and bronzer for Christmas, since my new Mac Studio Fix powder makes my skin itch (and I lost the receipt, so I can't return it).
Does anyone own the Chanel Double Perfection powder compact? I used to use Lancome Dual Finish, but I think it was making me breakout, so I switched to the MAC (complete crap!) Is it worth the $50? Does it make you look chalky or dry?
Does anyone own the Chanel Bronzer (spec. Toundra)? I have a MAC bronzer right now, but it's too orange and way too sparkly. I know the Chanel one has shimmer, but is it overpowering? Or does it make you look glowy? Is it worth the $40?
Thank you!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
I use the Chanel powder and really love it. It's light, really light which I love. I hate that powdery feeling most give you. It looks natural and doesnt make you look flakey at all. I recommend it!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw