My poor hubby just called me at work & he can hardly speak
He says his throat is really sore, is running a fever & his mucles ache. He insists on taking another medicine brand B4 allowing me to take him to Urgent Care, any suggestions? He's taken, Day/NightQuil & Motrin
Unless his fever is very high, what would they do for him at urgent care?
Is the Day/Nyquil not taking his fever down enough to make him more comfortable? How long has it been since he took something? Do you have a nurse hotline through your insurance provider that you might be able to call? I have been really, really sick 4 times in 3 years, so I do have a couple tricks, but it helps to know what he's tried already.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I bought some of those TheraFlu medicated spoons that you just stir into a warm or cold drink and I felt a lot better. Of course I got the nightime ones that knocked me out. I know the regular TherFlu drinks work well for my mom and dad. I just don't like the taste of them.