I am so confused right now, I have been dating this guy Matt for about a month and a half. We get a long great and everything is so perfect when we are together. When we aren't together is when I get really frustrated with him. He never calls me at all during the day. I talk to him maybe once or twice a day and these are not long conversations. (maybe 5-7 minutes) I feel like I am high maintenance because I get really frustrated that he doesn't call me very much, but expressing this to him makeds me feel stupid and high maintenance because he doesn't see how this is could be such a big deal to me. I think it bothers me because I recently got out of a long term relationship with a guy I talked to all the time on the phone. Sometimes to an extreme. We would talk about 6-8 times a day plus we lived together. I want a really close knit relationship with him and I just don't have that yet and to top it off he is moving to Seattle in about 3 weeks. I don't know if this even makes sense, but I am in such a bad mood about it.
My boyfriend hates the phone with a passion - even now we only have short conversations to arrange stuff, never to chat. It was strange at first, but it really didn't mean anything about how he felt about me. He hates talking to anyone on the phone - and I think there are quite a few guys like this.
I agree with what the other girls said. Some people just aren't into talking on the phone that much. It's not a reflection of feelings, I don't think, just communication preferences. I'd just try and be patient with him, although with him moving away, it might not hurt to mention to him that y'all will probably be talking on the phone a lot more and you hope that works for him. Good luck!
I wouldn't worry about it either. I don't think most guys "get" talking on the phone. They just don't feel the need to do it. When my husband and I were dating long distance we'd talk on the phone every other day for about half an hour and e-mail sporadically throughout the day. He's not much of a phone person, and that's fine. I know (and I knew then) that he loves me and that him not wanting to talk on the phone isn't a reflection of how he cares. I imagine your guy is the same way. Try not to let it get to you.
You guys are probsbly right. I am just overreacting because I am used to something totally different. It is really hard to change your expectations of someone after you have had things one way for a lonmg time. I guess I just need to be patient.