I have hated my job for a long time. Ever since the boss I had last year was promoted, I have been stuck working with a horrific group of people.
On Oct. 17, I gave my 2 weeks notice. Friday, which was supposed to be my last day, my boss decides to finally discuss my issues. He explained that he doesnt' want me to leave, that we all need to work on some things, and that he was willing to work with me, yada yada yada. So I was happy that he did express a need to make changes. However, when I mentioned school and the fact that I have 2 classes next semester that are only available during the day, he says that my education cannot interfere with my job.
Over the weekend I made the final decision that yes, I need to leave my position. So I will be writing a new, non-negotiable resignation letter with my last day being December 16.
I love school and am hungry to finally earn my degree. I am not willing to allow a job I absolutely abhor to get in the way of my future. My classes are suffering right now because I cannot devote the time and energy I need to them.
So I a going to look for a part-time job, maybe even in retail. I am looking forward to it.
Wow, good for you Irene! That is a huge decision and it doesn't sound like it was easy, but I think you did the right thing. It sounds like you'll be better off in the long run with your degree than if you were to stay in this job you're currently at. Good for you!
Go for it! This will be such a great way to recreate yourself, it's great that you have the option to do this now, perfect timing for a newlywed too, right? YAY!
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld