I have never done the temp service thing but I answered an ad on craigslist & went to interview at a temp agency on Monday. While I was there they made me fill out paper work, take a ton of tests, etc. Well, she gave me some info on the job - a sheet with the company name, dates to be there, name of who to talk to etc - so I'm assuming that i have the assignment? I guess I thought there would be more to it - like a drug test or them checking my references, etc. It's been a few days & now I feel silly calling her & asking "well, did i get it?" considering she gave me all the info but she never said "you have the job" kind of thing. But she did say that they would be happy to see that she sent someone with a brain. What in the heck do I do? Just show up when & where she told me to? It's next Tuesday....
Advice? Thoughts?
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Here's what happened with me. I went to the agency gave them a stack of resumes, took a grammar test, a math test (incidentally I got 100% on both and they said that was rare...I was like, 'uh, I was a journalism major and the math stuff I learned in 3rd grade' but whatever), and then took the computer competency tests (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
Then they asked me what I was looking for, I told them. A few days later they called me for the interview at my current company. I went to the interview there and a week later got the call that I got the job. I was never given a lists of dates or anything like that. But maybe my situation is different b/c this is temp to perm.
Generally, though, I thought the company you would be working at has to interview you first. I know that my office has a bunch of temps from different agencies and they always interview them here first.
I would call your agency and ask them what the deal is with that list. It doesn't sound like an assignment to me, but I could be wrong.
I guess I just don't even know what to say - maybe just something like "I was following up to see what the next step is" or something like that?
I too assumed that I would have to interview with the company, but then I thought about that I worked for a company that hired temps & we never saw them until the day of & if we didn't like them, the boss told them not to come back & the agency just sent someone else.
And we must have taken the same tests. I did a typing test - I had typewriters when I was 7 & a 10 key test - i worked at banks / financial companies since 1990 - uh, yeah, I can do that. They said "she's fast & accurate" I was like - DUHHHHH. Makes me wonder what kind of idiots they see on a regular basis.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
That is strange. Generally, I would think there would be an interview, too, but it doesn't sound like one was needed. Is there any other bogus question you could think of to ask the temp agency lady? Maybe call her and ask her if the company you're going to is business casual attire, and then work in something like "So, just to confirm, I just need to arrive at XYZ business at X time on Tuesday and ask for X person?"
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I did a typing test - I had typewriters when I was 7 & a 10 key test - i worked at banks / financial companies since 1990 - uh, yeah, I can do that. They said "she's fast & accurate" I was like - DUHHHHH. Makes me wonder what kind of idiots they see on a regular basis.
Haha...yeah, I know. I'm really curious as to what kind of person can't type or do third grade level math or find grammatical errors and typos. It also makes me wonder why this is the only type of job I can manage to get.
But anyway, I would just call them and say something like, "I'm just calling to double check the dates listed for my assisnment and if I need to meet with anyone at ABC company beforehand." Does that sound okay?
I called her & they said of course I needed to go - I felt kind of stupid, but I figure they have seen worse! She said it's not temp to perm (i was under the impression it was although now I'm not sure why) & they have a long standing relationship with them so they are ok with not doing an interview as well.
So I guess I have a new gig! It's only 3 days a month, but hey, it's extra money & that's what I need! And it doesn't interfer with any of my travel in November & December so that's good too! I'll let ya'll know how it goes.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad