I need help!! I think my hormones are out of whack. I stopped taking birth control. Then I noticed that I was getting a lot of pimples. So I decided I would go back onto birth control. So far I've been on it for about a month and there hasn't been much of a change in the pimples. I have been using good stuff on my face--Dermalogica antibac skin wash, toner, medicated clearing gel, and moisturizer. This has helped contain the break-outs somewhat but I'm still getting the painful pimples that you feel underneath the skin.
Has anyone experienced this? I'm going to have to make an appointment with the doctor but until I can get an appointment, does anyone know anything about this?
My skin broke out when I went off my BC too, but after a month or two, it went back to normal.
I'm trying to remember what my derm told me - something about BC creates a hormone balance like you are pregnant (that's why pregnant women always have glowing skin).
Anyway, I use drug store brand benzoil peroxide on randon pimples now, and they go away in about a day.
ETA: I'm sure your skin will clear up once your readjust to being back on birth control!