So I'm also thinking about dying my hair. It's kind of an indescribable color - sort of red, blonde, and brown. Also, in case you can't tell I'm super pale with greenish bluish grayish eyes. Here is an assortment of pictures of what it looks like now (sorry there are so many, but I think it can look really different even though this is all the same color)...
I'm thinking either a red like one of these...
Or maybe a blonde like either of these...
Or maybe even a chocolate brown? I think it might wash me out too much, though. I just want a change! What should I do?
I think you would look great as a redhead! I can't decide which color I like best (but I'm leaning towards #2). Your hair color now looks pretty cool but the red will make you go BAM!
Well it seems to be unanimous, I think I'll go red. I'm somewhat hesitant to do it in Lewiston, ME so I might try to get it done in Boston (any salon recs?) next week on my Fall Break. Thanks, ladies!
When I first saw the pics I was thinking the warm brown would be amazingon you. I do think the lohan red would also look good but something about the warm brown with you complexion.
I want to see pics when you do it. btw I really love the curls.