How's this?? (I was just about to Nylabelle - dang!! )
This is me before:
This is me with the new hair color. Ignore the bad picture - my camera kinda sucks. I swear I actually have makeup on and generally brush my hair! But it's a good pic of the new color.
even though the pics didn't come through color wise- i think it looks hot! it really makes your eyes pop... and i think it makes you look "edgy" which i try so hard to look like everyday and fail miserably at!
Awww!!! You girls are so sweet. Thanks for the compliments. I'm going to have to start wearing my contacts all the time now so I can get the benefit of the dark hair.
My boss came in and asked me who the new girl was. And it's funny because people keep walking past my office doing doubletakes and I'm like, what? Because I forget. It's definitely fun and I can do so many more things with it now because I don't have to worry about my hair looking thin or wispy or anything. I've been playing all day. I'm so excited!!
Wow! That color's awesome! One of the actresses here has a similar complexion and eye color...she looks so strikingly beautiful when she has reddish hair.