I soooo dislike Rory right now. Lorelai is at home missing her daughter and hating the rift between them and Rory is in bed with Logan putting a pillow over her head complaining about having to see her mom. And did I mention whining that her mom doesn't understand why it was necessary for her to leave her privileged life at Yale and join an even more privileged life of Grandma and Grandpa's stooge? Hmmm... I got real sympathy for ya.
And not giving the new cell # to Lorelai? Just downright mean. And insensitive.
I did like the awkwardness between Lane and Rory but I wish Lane would just pop up and say what a boob she thinks Rory is being for dropping out of college. Although I'm not sure Lane would think that because she herself doesn't go to college. But wouldn't Lane have something to say about the whole boat thing? Does she know about the boat thing? Ah well.
Any thoughts?
And as cliched as it was, I thought it was hilarious when Sookie asked Lorelai why she wasn't renouncing Satan. And it was kinda sweet when both Rory and Lorelai held up dresses asking which one was more baby like. Cute.
Rory is really annoying me. I think she's been such a brat for the past few seasons. Lorelei is being childish too but she has a right to be pissed off after all the crap Rory's pulled.
I agree that the scene with Rory and Lane was really well done. You could tell that Lane probably wanted to tell Rory that she was being an idiot but at the same time Lane also had a huge fight with her mom, dropped out of college and moved out of her house. I think in Lane's case it was justified though. She had no freedom and her mom was making her miserable.
I have a question. Did they ever address what happened to Logan in terms of the boat incident? I remember he told Lorelei that his dad could get her a great lawyer but did he totally get off the hook while Rory got stuck with community service and a permanent record?
Rory is being a major brat. What gives?! She doesn't give her mom her cell number (helloo...) but then complains to Lane about how she doesn't want to be in a fight? She needs to grow the hell up. The whole situation is beginning to piss me off, and I really hope the writers wrap it up soon.
CC- that's a good question! it doesn't seem like he's doing any service...hmmm.
I found the episode kind of boring. The thing about the show that I really enjoy is the funny banter between Lorelei and Rory. Without it, I don't find the show very interesting. It does look like it is all going to come together next week, so hopefully that'll be good.
I hate Logan. I think he should hop shows over to Filthy Rich Cattle Drive.
Rory is totally being a brat, I hate how she lets Logan walk all over her. He was so uncomfortable when she was introducing him at the party, and then he invites his friends over to her poolhouse. Seriously she needs a backbone.
I can't wait for next week! It looks like everyone will get to the source of why Rory quit Yale because Logan's dad is in the episode.
I agree the show isn't as good without the mother-daughter relationship. I thought it was kind of boring also. Plus rory is being a complete brat. She is annoying me with this whole care-free attitude. Plus i don't like the way she spoke to Loreli. I read that they are supposed to make amends sometime in the middle of the season. Also that Jess is supposed to guest appear (maybe that will drag her back to yale)