I wish that I had been able to go to Interpol tonight. All my friends went, but my parents are here so I hung out with them and am now in bed on a Friday night cause I have no one to go out with.
I wish I was motivated enough to take advantage of this time and do homework.
I wish I could lose weight faster! I've been doing pretty well, but it just can't go fast enough.
I wish I hadn't just eaten so much Indian food with my parents.
I wish I was less emotionally handicapped and capable of intimacy and being open with people.
And I also wish I was smarter with bigger boobs.
I wish I was cooler. I always go to shows and feel like a huge indie imposter (cause I am).
Most of all, more than anything else, I wish I could quit school and move to Sri Lanka with my boyfriend and we could just live there and I could work for an NGO or something and he could do his research thing, and we could live in a cool Sri Lankan apartment and have crazy adventures.
i hadn't rammed my shin into an extremely hard object yesterday.
i now have a bruise that takes up about a third of my right shin. i have a wedding to attend tomorrow and i was very excited about the beautiful dress i'm wearing. but now sadness... it hits at the knee and will not cover the damage.
I didn't waste a year and a half (which actually turned into two years, because I had to finish out the year...) at college not knowing what I wanted to do
I was almost done with school
I didn't have to work weekend mornings (the 5:30-noon shift... )