i would recommend either a demi-permanent color (no ammonia or peroxide. sometimes called a "glossing") or a full head of lowlights. the color you have is nice, but if you want a change up, why not ask for finer sections of blonde hair (with a heavy lowlight)? thinner strands tend to grow out a lot better, and (imo) look better in between touch-ups than chunkier streaks. if you get a gloss darker and hate it, it will gradually go back lighter and makes it much easier to try going back to blonde.
I think blond compliments your delicate features much better than dark hair would - you have a really pretty, soft look going. So I voted to stay blond, but if you really want to experiement, maybe go a little darker blond?
I actually think the blonde color makes you look a wee bit washed out. I think brown would be striking with your complexion, much more so than your current color. I don't think a super dark brown would be good though - a rich, medium brown would be perfect, IMO.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I'm with you indiekitten. I'm going tomorrow at lunch to get my hair died a dark brown for fall. You've seen pics of my blonde hair, it's about your color or maybe a tad darker, so I'm a bit skittish. But I've gone dark, at least somewhat, almost every year so it's not that big of a deal. I just didn't do it last year so I've settled into the blonde...
Bex is right though. You can get it dark now and by next summer be light again if you want to go back. I know what you're talking about with the corrective coloring but that's only if you want to change it drastically or right after you do the dark. Adding highlights every few months will have you back blonde by summer.
hey lady - i wish you were here so we could go together and give eachother moral support! lol -
heather's coming back from LA today - she was supposed to go with me to austin on 10/21 with some friends of ours who had a show, but it got cancelled - i was going to try to lure you out ... blast!
hey lady - i wish you were here so we could go together and give eachother moral support! lol - heather's coming back from LA today - she was supposed to go with me to austin on 10/21 with some friends of ours who had a show, but it got cancelled - i was going to try to lure you out ... blast!
No luring needed - I would have been there!
I'll post a pic on myspace I'm sure... I'm beginning to get nervous but I'm thinking I'm going this color:
I DID IT!!!! I am now a redhead. (I decided against brown at the last minute and went red.) But it's still really dark. I'm so excited! I'll post pics as soon as I can go home and take them.