i haven't really been watching that much this season, but i caught up last night and watched a few episodes. What are everyone's takes on the situation- i don't get the nehemiah/rachel thing, obviously she freaked out and was overly emotional and took it wayyy to far, but i hated his smug smile, like he enjoyed her freaking out. he is so damn self-righteous sometimes. And i'm really annoyed with how danny is with melinda. I am on her side, 100%. If a guy is constantly saying he needs to see what else is out there, needs to explore, can't just spend his time here with one person (totally understandable feelings), then he shouldn't get so mad when she is upset at his behavior and questions his really strong love letter. I think Melinda needs to give him his space and they can figure things out later, Danny is really annoying me with his hot/cold feelings (maybe i'm just sensitive to this because i've been the girl in this situation too, and i think many have been.) I love Melinda, i think she's beautiful and fun and nice- i don't think its fair when people call her a slut just because she likes sex and wants to have a good time. I think Jo is soo funny- i can't believe she ran with a homeless guys flower!! That is so messed up/hilarious.
Yeah, I really like this season of the real world. I am totally on Melinda's side 100% also. She just wants to know what is going on. He said it wasen't about the girls but in the cab he bragged how he got girls phone numbers.
I really like this season. Wes is just dumb though, and thinks he is hot shit--no way! And you are right, Nehemiah is totally self-righteous Rachel is annoying, Johanna is too crazy when she drinks, and Lacey is a wanna-be music snob. Haha, that said, I think they are all very likeable people. I feel bad for Melinda but I can see where Danny is coming from. I think Mel is handling it very well, where it is him who can't decide what he wants. I like Wes the least because he is arrogant and cocky.